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In full St Patrick´s celebrations already!
As the holiday season approaches, Benidorm is getting geared up for the stream of visitors. Hotels, bars and restaurants which have been closed for the last few months are dusting down as this weekend is the beginning of fiestas. For the Brits in particular, the St Patrick´s Day celebrations have turned into a weekend long event which also coincides with the Spanish Fallas.
Car Hire at Alicante airport
 Many visitors decide to hire cars, but driving regulations are different here - with amendments to current laws being passed through at the moment. Ignorance is no excuse and arguing with a Guardia Civil Trafico is certainly not advisable - even the Spanish would not dare to such is their reputation.
Here is a brief summary of the updates and the penalty applied:
6000€ fine if you drive a vehicle that is fitted with an electronic device that will inhibit or interfere with a radar signal.
1800€ fine to the registered owner of a vehicle if they fail to declare who was driving a vehicle if it is involved in any sort of traffic violation.
1000€ fine if you are found to have double the maximum alcohol allowance, refuse to take a breath test or have been caught for drink driving within the previous 12 months - regardless of amount. 
1000€ fine if driving under the influence of drugs.


600€ fine for "serious" speeding offense. A good example of this is the back Terra Mitica road which has a 40 km/hr limit. It is a 2 lane road with clear views and cars often go at a much faster speed. If you are caught doing 90km on this stretch this constitutes a serious offense. The Guardia are often on patrol on this stretch so be warned.  


500€ fine for being over the speed limit - obviously vary on the type of road and what percentage you are over, but play safe and stick to the limits! 


You must always carry your driving license on you and please never every drive in flip flops or backless shoes, BIG fines - and the obvious, always wears your seatbelt and no talking on the mobile. The last point seems laughable as virtually every other driver has a mobile clamped to their ear with one hand while the other is multi tasking - steering, holding a cigarette and waving, engrossed in conversation on said phone!  They do issue on the spot fines here and if you are not a resident they will "escort" you to a cashpoint machine if you have insufficient funds on you. Those that are resident they will take your NIE number and you now have 20 days to pay if you want to take advantage of the 50% discount - this has just increased form 15 days. 
Don´t forget if you park in a blue pay & display zone and go over your time limit you can cancel the ticket..... can you imagine that in the UK! Go to the machine and follow the instructions for "Anulacion de Denuncia" - the blue button... it costs 3€ and post the receipt together with your ticket in the "letter box" at the bottom of the pay machine. 




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Consciousness: That annoying time between naps

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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