Following the success of the award winning ITV series "Benidorm", the town has become a mecca for those retired Brits in their sunset years heading for Benidorm to let down their blue-rinsed hair in the hundreds of thousands.....
Endevouring to follow in the footsteps of their on-screen idol Madge, the streets of Benidorm have been turned into a motorway of pensioners on mobility scooters, beeping and waving at each other - many very abled and just hiring these vehicles for the fun of it. During the day they can be seen parked up outside the bars and cafes but come nightfall they are parked in twos and threes outside the nighclubs in the town centre.
Cafe Benidorm,Sinartra's, Rockefellers and The Palladium are all favourites of the new wave of partying pensioners and are jam packed every night whilst they sing and dance along to the free entertainment put on by all the establishments. They know excatly whos on where,at what time, where the 2 for 1 drinks are and plan their evenings accordingly..... ensuring that they get the most out of their monthly state pensions!
Cafe Benidorm,Sinartra's, Rockefellers and The Palladium are all favourites of the new wave of partying pensioners and are jam packed every night whilst they sing and dance along to the free entertainment put on by all the establishments. They know excatly whos on where,at what time, where the 2 for 1 drinks are and plan their evenings accordingly..... ensuring that they get the most out of their monthly state pensions!
They can go about 6mph which may not sound very fast but wait until you nearly get knocked down by one ...... they also come equiped with a horn and lights for the late night revellers returning from the clubs at 4am - and remember that these vehicles are exempt from drink drive restrictions! It is even possible to hire a tandem scooter for couples "who like to stick together" ...... then take it in turns to be the "driver".
The scooters are easily available to hire from various holiday hire shops such as "Amigos24", situated opposite the Sunday market in Benidorm or most hotels will have contact details of the nearest outlet.