Have you ever been to Albir Gardens hotel on a Tuesday morning and wondered why there are so many people there ? Well wonder no more. Companians is an English speaking social club which meets there every Tuesday morning from 10.30 onwards. It is a huge club with ap 500 members and so a great starting point for meeting others. They organise many weekly events such as Friday walks, petanca, whist, lunches to name afew and also organise trips such as one this week to Ikea & Primark in Murcia. They also have short 4/5 excursions exploring Spain !
Membership to join is free - and applications are open to accept new members until end January. The only stipulation is that you are resident in Spain for a minimum of 6 months. After 4 consecutive weeks attendance you are eligable for a "Loyalty Card" which entitles you to various perks and discounts at local outslets, bars and restaurants.
They organsie 3 big dinner dances every year with live entertainment .... so if you like dressing up and dancing the night away then this is certainly somewhere to consider joining.
They have a website http://www.companians.org/ where you can browse through some of their recent outings and view forthcoming events. Below are a few pictures to be going on with.....

Weekly meeting at Albir Gardens

Xmas dinner dance

Anniversary Ball at El Canor, Teulada