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Brian the Bear at VillatanaBrian the Bear has become somewhat of a celebrity in Benidorm. He was bought by Jacqui Birch – owner of Alicante Private Transfers with the intention of donating him to a children´s charity. However, instead she decided to use him to help raise money for children by fostering him out – what in incredibly novel idea!

brian bear at the beachJacqui bought the giant bear off Brian Mountney – hence the name and what started off as a dare from Jacqui "take him out with you, photograph where he goes and I will donate 50€ to Emaus" has gone viral!

Both of the Brian´s went to the beach - sunbathing but the bear obviously didn´t go into the sea as he had no trunks, day at work, restaurants to eat.... and yes they did get some peculiar looks, but it was all in the name of charity.

brian with Dave MorrisDave Morris kept him at the Villaitana Golf Resort throughout August where he accompanied golfers, helped to serve behind the bar and even went out in the golf buggy on the greens. Then Ted of the Union Jack Bar also had him – not too sure who was cuddlier! Big thank you to Armand Gadea – Manager at the Villaitana for allowing Brian the Bear to join his staff for the month and raise money for Emaus.

2 of yesterday players from Union Jack Golf SocirtyEvery Thursday morning the Union Jack Golf Society play at Villaitana and so yesterday they invited Tony Grande from The Calpe Bed Centre, who works tirelessly to raise money for the Emaus children homes to collect the donations that Brian the Bear has gathered.

Counting the donationsHe was so grateful to all the golfers of the society, many of who donated their winnings for top scores and once added up, the grand total came to 295€. There are 98 children in the Emaus homes who all need help – that money won´t be used to buy luxuries or toys but instead spent at the supermarket buying desperately needed food! Many of the children also need school books, which any parent in Spain will know do not come cheap – unlike in the UK, you have to buy the books each year and on average they cost 400€ per child!

brian bear in golf buggyTony´s current project is special unit in Relleu, which has 24 mentally handicapped residents, all aged 18 plus. He is trying to turn it into a self sufficient project by planting tomatoes, courgettes and other vegetables which the home can use and then any excess taken to the other children's homes. It gives those living there a skill and a feeling of self worth.

Me with Brian the BearTony has just had 1000 olive trees planted on the land at the home and looking for people to sponsor a tree for a suggested 50€ or any amount they can afford. For that each person will receive a certificate with their tree number and this money will be used to buy vegetable seeds, plants and tools to try and make the home totally self sufficient – with maybe even the prospect of buying some livestock too. If you would like to sponsor a tree or foster Brian the Bear for a day/week to raise money for a charity – many charged 1€ for having a photo taken with him as an idea, then please get in contact with me.

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Quote of the day

You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

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