Light and colour flooded the streets of the Old Town last night as the annual Benidorm Carnival took place. As with all things Spanish, it was a late start, not setting off until well after 9:30pm. The streets were filled with people from fairly early on and fortunately, it was a very mild night to be waiting.
Massive speakers had been set up along the route and you were never more than 100metres from the thumping music - you could feel the bass vibrating under your feet. Lots of imagination went into the costumes – not only for those participating, but many spectators dressed up too.
50 penya´s took part – many had dance routines which they performed along the way and the procession finished at the Town Hall Square, where judges marked each group. After a rest and snack the celebrations continued and they all partied the night away in the giant tent specially erected for the Carnival... I think that it´ll be fairly quiet in the Old Town this morning!