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benidorm town hallLocal elections took place here yesterday and what a disaster for Benidorm - of the 44,375 eligible to vote just over 25,000 actually bothered, a mere 57%. Spain should really look into making voting compulsory like in Australia – where you are fined if you do not vote. I bet many of those that didn´t vote are the vocal ones criticizing everything too. Agustin Navaro has been ousted from office – loosing to the PP party by one seat. But it is not as clear cut as you may think.

election results breakdownThere are 25 seats on the Council and 13 – over 50% are needed for a majority. The breakdown was PP scrapped 8 seats, PSOE 7 seats, CBM 3 seats, Cuidanos 3 seats, Liberales (Gema´s party) 2 seats and Compromis 2 seats. Tony Perez of the PP will become the new Mayor but he will need a coalition with at least another two parties to gain a majority.

agustin and gema in happier timesIn the last term the PSOE went into coalition with the Liberales - the PSOE and PP both won 11 seats in 2011 and Gema´s party had 3 but it took months of negotiations and deals before she joined forces with the PSOE. Now with the PP needing the support of at least another two parties to be able to pass any policies and budgets things do not look so good I fear. The emergence of so many small parties, all with their promises has thrown everything into chaos. You´d hope that the councilors would work together for the good of the town, which is reliant on tourism but this is unlikely to happen as there are too many personal agendas and self-interests at stake.

toni perez new mayor of benidormSo Toni Perez, head of the PP party becomes the new Mayor for Benidorm. Outgoing Mayor Agustin telephoned Toni Perez at 22;44 last night congratulating him and stated that if the PP need to push through ammendments to benefit Benidorm, then he will have the support of his party.

In the grand scheme of things, out of nearly 45,000 eligable voters only 6,700 actually voted for him but will have to now endure the consequences of what is a "democratic society"