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Harley biker from KievThe Eucalyptus Park in Albir was a hive of activity as the annual Harley Davidson Fun Day took place there today. Around 600 leather clad bikers gathered with their gleaming machines, coming not only from the Costa Blanca area but also from Madrid and one biker, Nicolai, came all the way from Kiev in Ukraine!

pink harley davidsonBut it wasn´t just burley Hells Angels types that many expected – there were plenty of lady riders too. One in particular that caught everyone’s attention was Ali, a petite blonde, who roared in on her PINK Harley. It certainly dispelled the stereotypical image of Harley bikers!

long line of harley bikesOrganizer of the event, Peter Emmett of the Costa Blanca España group was “delighted and overwhelmed at the turnout, which each year seems to get bigger and better”. Shortly after 11am they were escorted by around 50 police outriders for a tour – which took them all the way to Benidorm and along the main Levante promenade.

crean and red harleyThey certainly caught everyone’s attention – honking and revving to great applause from locals and holidaymakers alike as they passed by. Riding pillion were 19 ´Biker Babes´ who had fundraised for the privilege – an initiative sponsored by Gina Marks of GM Promotions.

biker babes cheque presentationEach were challenged to raise a minimum of €100 but between them they managed a staggering €13,000 – with Jody Kirby being crowned queen Biker Babe after raising €3,500. A cheque presentation was made to the ´Make a Smile´ charity which supports Emaus and specifically the Relleu self sufficiency project, which was accepted by Lucy and Tony Grande of The Calpe Bed Centre.

montserrat from emausMontserrat Fitur - Director of Communications for the Emaus group was also there - giving a helping hand. She is amazed at how big the event has become and forever grateful for the fantastic donation made by the biker babes. The recent Benidorm series kareoke fundraiser also supported this fantastic charity and endevoured to raise the profile of the website.

eucalyptus park full of harley bikersThousands attended the event – many coming to admire and take photos of the amazing Harley bikes. I spoke to the owner of one and he told me his was worth €45,000, which explained why he stood fairly close by! It is certainly an investment but many would probably choose to buy bricks and mortar...having said that, they are a definate babe magnet.

 stalls at harley fundayThere were plenty of stalls selling Harley memorabilia, biker accessories, a bar and food outlet and live music throughout the afternoon which all made for a great party atmosphere. Peter told me that the date for next years event hasn´t been confirmed yet but it will definitely be in June – they just need to make sure it doesn´t clash with any other biker events across Spain. If you like loud rock music then its definately a place for you - ss soon as he lets me know I will pass next years date on.

blue harley

luch and tony grande with peter emmett

 local press supporting the event

arieal view of crowds

pink harley



+1 #3 Gino 2015-11-10 15:52
Great day once again. can you please let me know what date in June 2016 the fun day will take place as i wish to bring my bike across from Scotland and take part?
+1 #2 peter emmett 2015-06-15 14:15
Thank you for this brilliant write up and your continued support, which is appreciated and never taken for granted.
Peter Emmett, Press Officer, Costa Blanca Espana
-1 #1 Anthony 2015-06-14 16:41
We caught sight of the parade through Benidorm earlier. Amazing sight

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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

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    Fabulous time x
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    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
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