Following an undercover operation lasting a number of months, the National Police have dismantled and arrested 14 members of a group linked to several bars and clubs in Benidorm. Those arrested were all of Spanish and Romanian nationality and ‘controlled’ the supply and sale of cocaine, hashish, marijuana, MMA/MDMA and ecstacy as well as other drugs on Avd Mallorca – better known to most as The Square.
The bust was a joint effort involving more than 60 National Police, Immigration and Security officers, with the first 7 arrests made on September 13. It will come as little surprise to many that club bouncers were in charge of controlling the square, using violence and intimidation on both suppliers and users. The investigation began in July following a number of complaints, with victims reporting that they had been ‘warned off’. Four sustained vicious injuries including fractured femurs, broken noses and serious head injuries.
Ring leaders were identified, who used baseball bats and knuckle dusters on the victims – and a heavy handed police swoop ensued. Sadly certain parts of the resort appear to have a very dark side, in particular the Square, which has a very bad reputation. But businesses and residents, together with the police are fighting back to clean up the streets. One such newly formed association - BBBA, Benidorm's British Business Association has regualr meetings with the National Police to help bring Benidorm back to what it once was, a family friendly resort.
Sadly social media is frequently awash with reports of bouncers laying into innocent victims, here on holiday to have a good time and totally unprovoked attacks. Perhaps this is the start of a new beginning – lets hope so, for everyones sake.