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HensBenidorm attracts millions of Brits for their annual holiday every year, but there is also a high percentage that come just for long weekends. The resort is a magnet for stag and hen parties – as was particularly evident this weekend! It is a tradition among many to dress up – some in fancy dress whilst others have tshirts printed.

red thonged stagTiara clad bride-to-be’s clutching giant blow up ‘shapes’, latex covered stags with a ball and chain, cartoon superhero characters. All these are actually pretty standard and you will see them walking up and down the Rincon area or along the beach front and no-one will batter an eyelid.

tastelessBut in my mind, one young chap crossed the line with his t-shirt and the reaction, having asked on a Benidorm social media forum was unanimous, with 99.9 per cent agreeing that it was “Disgusting, Unacceptable, Too far, Sick, Wrong and Vile”. The list goes on, with over 70 comments in a similar vein. Most are up for a bit of fun and banter, but this was offensive and wrong.


tiki hensAlthough it apparently comes from a film – The Inbetweeners I am informed, some things are just not acceptable. It is not even a matter of crudity – it is beyond that. We welcome groups, goodness, the resort survives on them coming and spending money here, but seriously, not this!

IMG 2702Please think carefully about what you opt for – would you be happy for your mother, gran or employer to see you like that … if not, then think again!

We want families to continue coming here too, but like this it will turn into another Magaluf and the associated issues, putting many off returning.

tied to lampostBenidorm council are currently looking and discussing at bringing in a code of conduct to the resort. Some years ago Benidorm even made the Spanish national press, with a front page picture of a naked stag tied to a pole depicting what "The British" get up to here. Fortunately it is only a minority that behave like this, but it does nothing for the image of Brits abroad - already labelled as boozy, foul mouthed lager louts!

Have fun by all means but don't overstep the boundary please.


+1 #2 Auriol Taylorson 2018-04-16 11:58
They'll move on soon enough just as they have other resorts. Then they have to try to get families back.
-1 #1 Elizabeth 2018-04-16 11:57
Everyone has the right to go on holiday & have a good time - whether it be the stag/hens/weeke nders/families/ couples etc etc. But there is a difference between having a good time & being downright disrespectful - to the resort itself, the spanish people & other holidaymakers that are there not to drink 24/7. These types unfortunately are becoming way too common in Benidorm & are bringing it down big time - especially the new town. They do generate quite a bit of income - but only cheap drink/deals etc. If Benidorm wants to go down the same route as Magaluf then keep on allowing this behaviour as that is just what its becoming. Old town thank god is much nicer, quieter & classier - I only hope it stays that way x

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