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Xmas suitsWhat a fabulous day it has been today – no chance of a white Christmas here with a vivid blue sky, sunshine and Spring like temperatures. The Levante promenade was awash with people at lunchtime, many taking a stroll, with a spattering of Santa hats whilst others just enjoyed a drink and were people watching.

BeachThose here on holiday probably couldn´t believe their luck how mild the weather is… we usually are blessed with good weather for Christmas and they were certainly taking advantage, playing on the beach with some even taking a dip in the sea.

Mobility scooterThe first fortnight of December has proved to be the quietest to date this year, with figures released by Hosbec the hotelier’s association showing just a 60.7% occupancy rate compared to 67.1% in the last pre-covid “normal” year of 2019.

Santa hatHistorically it is a quiet time for the Costa Blanca resort, but the somewhat disappointing figures have been put down to a number of factors which include the war in Ukraine, inflation, energy crisis and problems in the UK, which are all affecting bookings.

HeartbreakOf those figures, 58.1% were domestic Spanish visitors and 34.1% UK passport holders followed by Belgians at 3.8%, Dutch at 2.7% and Irish at 1%. Estimates for the second half of the month are currently at 59.3%, with last minute bookings hopefully pushing that figure over the 60% mark.

IMG 1991Tomorrow is a normal working day here in Benidorm but hope you all enjoy a further 2 days of Bank Holiday over in the UK … peace and goodwill to you all and hope to see you back here at some point in 2023.



Santa walker


Levante prom


0 #13 Cathy Rooney 2022-12-27 19:09
Can't wait for next week hope weather still the same
0 #12 Sheila Sanderson 2022-12-27 19:06
Could do with some of that sunshine
0 #11 Kevin Stevens 2022-12-27 19:05
Great place to be at Christmas. Did it about 16 years ago. Kids on the beach. But where was I. Yes in hotel at the bar. Lol
0 #10 Julie Waterson 2022-12-26 16:46
Merry Christmas to you all x
0 #9 Colin Fulker 2022-12-26 14:16
See you all in May
0 #8 Hind Gh 2022-12-26 14:15
Benidorm es el mejor del mundo
0 #7 Ann Hayes 2022-12-26 07:38
Another one of my favourite places
0 #6 David Coleman 2022-12-26 07:37
It's been fab weather been here for Xmas a number of times now
0 #5 Pat Cork 2022-12-26 07:36
Was a lovely Christmas Day in Benidorm Walk to the Cross in the morning.... afternoon on the beach....evenin g in Uncle Peds.... perfect
0 #4 Norma Best 2022-12-25 23:07
love xmas day in Benidorm .. weather is fab .. beach and happiness x

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a temporary insanity curable by marriage

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    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
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    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
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    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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