An Interview with John Henderson - Director of "Benidorm"

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ITV's hit comedy series "Benidorm" is back in town currently filming its record 5th series. It now has a cult following and the crew have been in town recording since 29th August - planned finish date is 3rd December. If you are in town you have most probably seen the "Primoti" Vans (Spain's equivalent of Hertz) parked along the road either infront of the strange "Pink building" - just up from Benidorm Palace.

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New digital newsletter for residents in La Nucia

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 One of the objectives of the Town Hall of La Nucia is to inform the residents of the town any current news in a quick and efficient way . However, as there are more than 28 different nationalities living in the community it can be challenging said Bart Gommans, Councillor for the Department of Foreign Residents.

"Streetwise" expands to Albir on the Benidorm Road.

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Streetwise Productions, whose performers  have bought epics such as "Grease" and "Fame" to the stage at Benidorm Palace and the Auditorium in La Nucia amongst others are moving to bigger and better premises in Albir. Founded by Pascalle Breuns, a Dutch born director and choreographer she has been sharing her passion by teaching both children and adults dance, acting and singing all her life.

Update to N322 roundabout to Alfaz from Benidorm.

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Well work has restarted after the summer break ..... however, as reported back in February I somehow think that the promised June deaadline has been missed. Mind you - they didn't say what year... in which case !The current access into Alfaz off the N332 from Benidorm is a nightmare. The council installed "temporary" traffic lights after the Gota Fria a few years ago when the underpass towards Albir got flooded

Costa Blanca Floral Club

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Having started as two separate clubs, The Marina Alta Club which held demonstrations in Teulada and The Costa Blanca Club in Calpe, they amalgamated a few years ago and are members of N.A.F.A.S (National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) The clubs new venue is The Salon de Actos in Moraira  and they meet on the fourth Thursday of the month (unless otherwise stated).

Street lights dim in Benidorm.

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Benidorm Town Hall has proposed a plan to reduce street lighting in the town by 30% and thereby saving the taxpayer around 400,000 euro's per year. Some of the proposals have already been put into effect, such as replacing standard light bulbs with low energy ones.However, the one that most visitors will probably notice is the plan to reduce 50% of the lighting along the beaches and promenade.

Elvis comes to Benidorm.

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If you happen to be walking along the Levante beach yesterday lunchtime you would have been intrigued by the huge crowd assembled out the Tiki Beach bar ... well either the crowd or the sight of the Viva Television crew ready with cameras! You could barely walk past on the road let alone the promenade - and the reason for all the excitement .... Elvis was in town! Simon Patrick, probably the best Elvis impersonator in Benidorm....

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Proposed new "Dog Law" for Benidorm residents

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The Mayor of Benidorm, Augustin Navarro has proposed the introduction of a compulsory annual dog license in the town. It is estimated that the fee will be between 15 - 20 euro's and revenue collected from it will be used soley for the purpose of cleaning the streets of dog mess.All owners must register their dogs before 31st December 2011 and that as of 1st January 2012 any owners who have NOT registered their dogs

Ex-Pat Social Club in Albir, Nr Benidorm

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The "Companians" Club in Albir will be reconvening after the Summer break next week - first meeting is Tuesday 13th September. Membership will be open for any new people wishing to join.  They are an English speaking social club which meet every Tuesday morning from 10.30am onwards in Albir Gardens (on the No 10 bus route).

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Teatro Del Sol opens in La Nucia.

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Yesterday, Wednesday 7th September saw the inauguration of a brand new Performing Arts Centre in Bello Horizonte. The opening was officiated by the Deputy Mayor of La Nucia, Councillor of Culture and Foreign Residents Bart Gommans and Director of the Auditorium in La Nucia Frances Simpere. There was a huge turnout of well wishers, friends, business collegues and choir members ensuring that the afternoon was a success - and all were welcomed.

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Airline debit card fee saga continues for flights to Benidorm

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Following an article back in June on debit card charges, I reported that the Office of Fair Trading had ordered companies to stop the rip-off practise.Well suprise suprise ... absolutely NOTHING has happened. Airline card charges are costing us £100 million a year in "excessive" fees simply to book flights! Budget airlines are amongst the worse offenders - as anyone who travels here to Benidorm probably knows.

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English Tea Shop in the heart of Benidorm.

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When ITV Daybreak visited Benidorm at the beginning of August, the entertainment correspondant Steve Hargrave popped in on some of the local businesses run by British ex-pats.The last of these was "Granny's Tea House" which can be found at the end of the Old Town - near to the Dove Park.

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Pound exchange rates in Benidorm

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Its the age old question - where and when should I change my sterling into euros. Will I get more in the UK or at my holiday destination? Well after extensive research this morning I can answer that question for you - wait till you get to Benidorm.... you'll get more euro's for your pounds.The bank rate this morning at 9am was 1.13 - this is the inter-bank rate NOT what you will receive when you change your pounds.

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A day as an extra on "Benidorm 5"

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The day started at 7am.... it was still dark outside! The extras for the day, aprox 20 were already gathered in the lobby of the Sol Pelicanos hotel. Tuesday is change-over day for the charter flight holiday companies, so the lobby was already buzzing with life. We were not alone. The minibus finally came and transported us to the studio set - the pink building almost opposite Benidorm Palace.

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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

Latest Comments

  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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