Benidorm series 5 on tonight

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Well the long awaited fifth series is finally on tonight, ITV 9pm UK time / 10pm Spanish time. Auditions for all the extra's started in August and was well attended by hundreds of locals hoping to be chosen for the new series. Filming started back in September and wrapped at the end of November - it was like a hurricane hitting Benidorm.

Countdown to the opening of "Showboat" in Benidorm

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With only a week left till the grand opening of "Showboat" - Benidorm's newest venue and the place to be seen, I decided to pop by and check on progress. I was greeted by a posse of workmen who were all going about their various jobs - painting, electrical installations, tiling - everywhere I looked someone was banging or screwing (no pun intended there). Wayne kissed me hello and goodbye as he was en-route to the paint shop

Carnaval in Benidorm review

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The streets were lined with spectators eagerly awaiting the start of the procession - which was more or less on time. The music coming out of the sound system along the route was SO loud you could feel the pavement vibrating - unsuprisingly the only empty spaces along the route was right next to these speakers!There were 41 penyas taking part in the fancy dress procession but I must say I was somewhat dissapointed this year.

Investors needed for the "Atrium Hotel" in Benidorm

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The group responsible for the huge concrete skeleton which has stood abandoned on La Cala beach for the past nine years is looking for investors! Javier Garcia, managing director of The Magic Costa Blanca group of hotels said he recognised that the financial market its not at its best at this particular time (somewhat of an understatement I would say) but they are looking at re-launching the project.

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Benidorm Carnival 2012

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The annual Benidorm Carnival kicks off this weekend starting on Saturday 18th until Tuesday 21st February. The famous fancy dress parade takes place on the first day of the festivities and is always held on the Saturday that precedes Ash Wednesday.

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Benidorm prepares for more Chinese business

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With the influx of Chinese businesses in the town, local business leaders are trying to embrace rather than view them as a threat. The Confederation of Employers of the Province (COEPA) have been running a course this month to teach the language and culture to some of its employees in the hope of viewing the Chinese not only as business partners but also as a potential source of tourism.

Perils of Levante beach in Benidorm

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Levante beach is one of the reasons why many people choose to come to Benidorm on their holidays - understandable with its miles of golden sand. In the busy Summer months the beach is packed with holiday makers - sometimes its a struggle to find a square metre of sand to place your towel!  Its shallow waters and gentle slope into the sea make it a favourite with families but a word of caution.

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Benidorm's newest dinner show venue - "Showboat"

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You could be forgiven for thinking that Benidorm was on the brink of closure after reading the papers over the last year. Headlines announcing the demise of yet another bar or more entertainers packing up and heading back to the UK - but there's one which is bucking the trend! A brand new venue is due to open on 1st March called "Showboat".

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"We buy Gold" shops in Benidorm

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There has been a sudden mushrooming of gold shops or "Compro Oro" shops in and around the Benidorm area over the last few months.It seems to be the only flourishing trade at the moment. One has just opened up in Alfaz del Pi and another is about to open in La Nucia. Advertising boards are attached to almost every fence or lamp post promising to pay 38€ per gram - but don't be fooled by this offer.

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Benidorm series 5 coming soon...

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According to Matthew Kelly who was on ITV's lunch time show "Loose Women" yesterday, the new series is starting on FRiday 24th Febuary. Matthew had a cameo role and his episode will be on air the following week - 2nd March.Over the past 4 series, many celebs and stars have had cameo appearances such as Cilla Black, Sue Pollard, Wendy Richards and Denise Welch - who's husband Tim Healy is a regular cast member.

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Sunday afternoon in Benidorm

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Whilst you are shivering back in the UK I thought I'd share with you a typical afternoon on the popular Levante beach in Benidorm. The promenade was packed with people taking an afternoon stroll - you can easily tell the locals and visitors apart. Its a typical Spanish past time on a Sunday. Although 16 degrees with a beautiful blue sky the locals were wrapped up in coats,jackets, scarves and boots.

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Benidorm residents comment on stricken Costa Concordia

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The Costa Concordia was on a trip around the Mediterranean when it hit a reef on Friday 13th January near the Italian island of Giglio. To date the disaster has claimed 15 lives with at least a further 19 passengers unaccounted for. Adding insult to injury, survivors of the tragedy have been offered a 30% discount on their next cruise amid claims that the company is trying to reduce the damage from an impending lawsuit!

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Benidorm ER - a closer insight to "Kinky Karen"

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To date, two of the six episodes of "Benidorm ER" have been screened - Wednesday's 8pm in UK (9pm Spanish time) on Channel 5. Camera crews follow unfortunate Brits on holiday as well as some ex-pats as they enter the private Hospital Clinica Benidorm. However, it must be pointed out that only "locals" with private health care insurance go there - otherwise they have to pay for any treatment they have.

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What you can buy with 45p in Benidorm

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A report published this week revealed that the Spanish Costas are the cheapest holiday spot in Europe. Turkey, once regarded as Europe's cheapest destination is now 60 per cent MORE expensive than Spain following a survey carried out comparing the price of eight items which included a cup of coffee, bottle of local beer and a can of coca cola among other typical holiday purchases.

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You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

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  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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