Benidorm's Christmas 'Fun-Run'

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More than three hundred took part in the annual San Silvestre fun run in Benidorm this morning – always taking place on the first Sunday after Christmas. Many embraced the occasion donning all manner of festive fancy dress including Santa’s, reindeer, snowmen… and even The Beatles complete with yellow submarine! It was a fabulous backdrop, with the sun shining, the Med glistening and spectators cheering the runners along the Levante promenade.

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The Harley Santas

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A group of 28 Santa bikers – members of the Free Spirits HD Harley Davidson enthusiast club roared into Albir just after 12 noon to a large crowd eagerly awaiting their arrival. It was hard to tell who was more excited – the children seeing so many red clad Santas or the men, eyeing up the gleaming Harley bikes, but it certainly put a smile on everyone’s faces! The Santa run is a regular December event for the club members and saw all the riders dressed up – with many of the bikes decorated too!

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Taxi for Jim – from Northern Ireland to Benidorm

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An inspirational example of friendship and humanity when a taxi driver from Co Antrim in Northern Ireland drives 1700 miles to Benidorm to collect a friend - Jim Moore, who suffered a head injury following a fall whilst here on holiday and unable to fly back home. 365 Taxis Newtownabbey driver Phil Hamilton has been all the talk on social media platforms, receiving messages of support from across the country but very quick to play down his part and instead praising what he says was a team effort #goingtheextramile

Benidorm did Fancy Dress - 2019

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Benidorm did it again, seeing thousands turn out for the annual British Fancy Dress Day, which always takes place the day after the official Benidorm fiesta ends. Usually a sunny day, despite it always taking place in mid November, but today it was rather grey and overcast with a few specks of rain falling early on. However, that certainly didn’t put the revelers off from having a good time. The variety of costumes on display was incredible, with lots of thought and effort obviously going into them and many themed groups.

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Benidorm's Mirador re-opens

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As promised, the Mirador at the top of the Old Town re-opened today in time for the town’s annual fiesta celebrations. Although not completely finished people were allowed up to see the works that had been done following the closure back June, right at the beginning of the summer season causing much controversy. The excavation has unearthed some important ruins, which have been left intact and surrounded by glass and railing so that everyone can view them.

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Summer season comes to an end

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We’ve been incredibly fortunate with the weather here this year. On Thursday, the last day of October, people were still swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the Levante beach… must be a first! We welcomed the first day of November in with blue sunny skies over the resort, temperatures in the mid 20’ and Saturday’s rugby final was watched by hundreds on the mega poolside screen of the Marina hotel wearing summer clothes. Terraces up and down Calle Gerona were also full of locals and holidaymakers, cheering England on… sadly to no avail in the end.

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RBL Poppy Appeal launch

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Benidorm had the privilege of hosting this years RBL Poppy Appeal launch with two incredible gentlemen once again rightfully stealing the show – Chelsea Pensioners Wayne Campbell and Arthur ‘Skippy’ Teasdale. The pair have been making the journey all the way from the Royal Hospital Chelsea in London for the past nine years to attend this spectacular and important event.

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Benidorm did Moors & Christians

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The colourful Moors & Christians parade took place in Benidorm on Saturday evening – following in the footsteps of Altea, which took place two week ago. Residents and holidaymakers lined the entire route – standing shoulder to shoulder, vying for a good spot to watch from. There were plastic chairs which were all occupied until the ticket inspectors came and many suddenly vacated them when they realised that they had to pay - €5 each.

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Still missing in Benidorm

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More than 18 days have now passed since the disappearance of 68-year-old British holidaymaker Phil Pearce in Benidorm – and currently there are still no concrete leads on his whereabouts. It is his first time to the resort and he was staying for a week at the Gemelos 26 on Calle Derramador in the Rincon de Loix, popular with many Brits. He left to go and buy tobacco on Monday 9 September between 4-5pm, taking some cash and nothing else – he did not have a mobile phone. The last confirmed sighting of Phil was in the early hours of Monday, September 9, leaving the National Police station on Carrer Apolo in the heart of the old town.

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The Moors & Christians are coming...

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Altea is gearing up for their annual Moors & Christians parade – which take place this coming weekend. It is a massive affair, with two separate parades – on Saturday evening at 8pm it is the turn of the Christians and on Monday 23 September, at 8.30pm the Moors. If you can’t get to Altea then Benidorm will be holding their Moors & Christians parade on Saturday, October 5.

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Benidorm Pride 2019

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The ninth Benidorm Pride parade took place yesterday – what for many is the highlight of the entire week. 23 floats and 300 took part in this colourful and vibrant affair with an array of flamboyant and eye-catching costumes. Cars, vans, buses and lorries were converted into floats with mobile sound studio blasting out music to add to the carnival like atmosphere and the night finished with a Pride Party at the Julio Iglesias auditorium with some of Benidorm's top tribute artistes.

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Harley Bikers Day

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For the ninth successive year, the Eucalyptus Park in Albir has hosted the annual Costa Blanca Custom Bike Show – an absolute must if you love big shiny bikes! It is probably the biggest concentration of gleaming Harley Davidson bikes you will witness in one place and even if you’re not a biker, you cannot fail but be impressed by all the chrome on display! In addition there were also plenty of stalls, selling bikers related accessories, clothing, memorabilia, food plus a very busy bar and stage with live rock bands, making for a great party atmosphere.

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Benidorm Pea Men arrested... while tourist assaulted for warning others

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The ‘mojiteros’ – illegal beach cocktail sellers, along with the pea men should be avoided at all costs here in Benidorm. Now thankfully there is one less gang after the National Police in Benidorm arrested five members of a gang that operated the pea game, fleecing holidaymakers out of thousands of euros every day. However, until a change in the law takes place, it is technically classified as a ‘misdemeanour’ here rather than a crime if less than €400 is involved. There are constant reminders not to stop and engage but sadly, reports surface daily of yet more fresh victims.

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New scooter by-law in Benidorm

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Benidorm has passed a new by-law regarding electric scooters, Segway’s and yes, mobility scooters which rose in popularity after Madge appeared on one in the Benidorm series. The Councillor for Mobility explained that these new regulations will ensure the safety of both the users, pedestrians, cyclists and drivers. These fast moving electric vehicles will be banned from pavements with the exception of mobility scooters used by those who are disabled or with reduced mobility – obviously no one else should be using one anyway!

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Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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