"We buy Gold" shops in Benidorm

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There has been a sudden mushrooming of gold shops or "Compro Oro" shops in and around the Benidorm area over the last few months.It seems to be the only flourishing trade at the moment. One has just opened up in Alfaz del Pi and another is about to open in La Nucia. Advertising boards are attached to almost every fence or lamp post promising to pay 38€ per gram - but don't be fooled by this offer.

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Benidorm series 5 coming soon...

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According to Matthew Kelly who was on ITV's lunch time show "Loose Women" yesterday, the new series is starting on FRiday 24th Febuary. Matthew had a cameo role and his episode will be on air the following week - 2nd March.Over the past 4 series, many celebs and stars have had cameo appearances such as Cilla Black, Sue Pollard, Wendy Richards and Denise Welch - who's husband Tim Healy is a regular cast member.

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Sunday afternoon in Benidorm

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Whilst you are shivering back in the UK I thought I'd share with you a typical afternoon on the popular Levante beach in Benidorm. The promenade was packed with people taking an afternoon stroll - you can easily tell the locals and visitors apart. Its a typical Spanish past time on a Sunday. Although 16 degrees with a beautiful blue sky the locals were wrapped up in coats,jackets, scarves and boots.

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Benidorm residents comment on stricken Costa Concordia

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The Costa Concordia was on a trip around the Mediterranean when it hit a reef on Friday 13th January near the Italian island of Giglio. To date the disaster has claimed 15 lives with at least a further 19 passengers unaccounted for. Adding insult to injury, survivors of the tragedy have been offered a 30% discount on their next cruise amid claims that the company is trying to reduce the damage from an impending lawsuit!

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Benidorm ER - a closer insight to "Kinky Karen"

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To date, two of the six episodes of "Benidorm ER" have been screened - Wednesday's 8pm in UK (9pm Spanish time) on Channel 5. Camera crews follow unfortunate Brits on holiday as well as some ex-pats as they enter the private Hospital Clinica Benidorm. However, it must be pointed out that only "locals" with private health care insurance go there - otherwise they have to pay for any treatment they have.

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What you can buy with 45p in Benidorm

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A report published this week revealed that the Spanish Costas are the cheapest holiday spot in Europe. Turkey, once regarded as Europe's cheapest destination is now 60 per cent MORE expensive than Spain following a survey carried out comparing the price of eight items which included a cup of coffee, bottle of local beer and a can of coca cola among other typical holiday purchases.

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New bridge in Benidorm runs over budget!

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The construction of the bridge on Calle Ortuno in the centre of Benidorm is still giving the city council headaches.The initial budget to complete the project was 750,000 euros but this has overrun - obviously! The Ministry of Planning is querying the last two bills submitted for payment worth over 150,000 euros - both were apparently paid out on 27th December 2011 but they have now demanded further documentation

Benidorm ER on Channel 5

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A 6 part documentary begins tonight at 8pm (9pm Spanish time) on Channel 5 entitled "Benidorm ER" which follows British tourists and expats entering "Clinica Benidorm" - one of Benidorm's two private hospitals. It is a revealing Fly-on-the-wall series following the work of the medical team who check up, patch up and stitch up every problem under the sun!Tonight's episode follows Stuart Clibery - in town on a stag weekend

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6th January in Spain - a VERY important day for 2 reasons!

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I hope that you all had a wonderful Xmas and New Year and made some New Year resolutions.... which you haven't broken - yet! Well back in the UK the sales started on Boxing Day, 26th where some mad shoppers queued all night to bag a bargain. Here in Spain the sales or "rebajas" do not start until 7th January - the day after "Three Kings or Epiphany" or "Dia de los Reyes"

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Buy your Ryanair hand luggage bag in Benidorm.

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eWhilst browsing in the Marina Shopping Centre, Benidorm yesterday afternoon I popped into "Ale Hop" - a store that sells all sorts of bits and bobs- most things which you don't really need but see and think why not  ... fortunately they aren't too expensive.As I walked through the doors I saw a vision ....  my eyes lit up and I could barely contain myself. What on earth could it be I hear you all ask!

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Specsavers in Benidorm fundraise for Emaus.

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A brand new branch of Specsavers has opened in Benidorm, on the Calle Gambo - the pedestrianised street in the Old Town and tomorrow they are holding a fun day raising money for Emaus.I popped by today and spoke to Phillip Morgan, who together with Jorge Martinez are joint owners of the store.  Phillip is the retail director with much experience having worked for Specsavers in the UK for 12 years whilst Jorge is the optometrist.

Its a wrap for Benidorm extras

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Today, Tuesday 29th November is the last day of filming for all the extra's on the ITV Benidorm series. They spent their last day filming at the Pink house which is the set for the imaginary Solana hotel reception.I caught up with them in the garage underneath the pink house which is the resting area when they are not being used in a scene. They have all had great fun - infact they were all in series 4 last year!

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Tim Healy in Benidorm

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Although not appearing until the third series of the ITV hit comedy series Benidorm, Tim's character Lesley has become an integral and hilarious addition to the cast - and off screen he is just as funny as I found out when we sat down together during a break when shooting at the Sol Pelicanos hotel. I couldn't stop laughing as I looked at him .... full face of OTT make-up and red nail varish.

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British Fancy dress fiesta in Benidorm

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Yesterday saw the traditional "British Fancy Dress" day which always follows the end of the Benidorm fiesta. Thousands turned out in all manner of "attire" ranging from playboy bunnies, nurses, soldiers, policeman, cavemen, cartoon characters - the list and imagination really was endless! They all congregated from 2pm onwards in "The Square" when the drinking and fun began.

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Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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B&H 50.00€
Camel 47.00€
Embassy 50.00€
JPS 44.50€
L&B 48.50€
Marlboro 50.00€
Mayfair 45.00€
Silk Cut 50.00€

Tobacco 50gm x10

Golden Virginia 89.50€
Old Holborn 90€

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