Alfaz host first ever Celtic Cup

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About a year ago, I met up with Peter Phillips - the man and brains behind the hugely popular Elvis Festival here in Benidorm (next years dates are 12th-14th April 2013).... it is his team that also put on the world famous Porthcawl Elvis fest which attracts in the region of 30,000 Elvis fans from around the world.

"The Sun" now praises Benidorm!

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My my my..... I nearly choked on my croissant this morning when I read today´s two page piece in The Sun on Sunday (pg 52 & 53) under the headline "Benidorm Reborn"! Why it was less than 4 months ago that they ran that infamous piece "Benidoom" which caused outrage, both here and in the UK from regular Benidorm visitors.

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Grand finale to finish off the Fancy Dress Day

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The British Fancy Dress Day on Thursday was a great success..... in fact, some revelers were still walking around on Friday morning in their costumes! The entire area was jam packed and everyone I spoke to said what a fab time they had had and were already thinking about next year.... the day has certainly become a major event in the calendar.

British Fancy Dress Day

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Well considering that the beginning of this week was subjected to hurricane type winds and rain, the weather was idilic for the British Fancy Dress Day.The sun was out and the sky was blue....  and what a turnout!Absolutely thousands turned up, dressed in all manner of fancy dress. The effort that everyone went to was truly amazing - some were easy to identify and some not so....

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Last day of the Benidorm Fiesta

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The torrential rain and wind caused some disruption to the festivities yesterday, but the bars were still full - albeit inside!The traditional "humor parade" had to be changed... rather than floats parading down the streets it was relocated to the giant tent on the Town Hall Square, which unfortunately meant that some of the penyas could not take part as they were too big.

British Fancy Dress Day to raise money for children´s charity

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Unfortunately the weather has not been kind for the beginning of the annual Benidorm Fiesta, which started on Friday evening. But despite the rain, the sound of fire crackers going off and bands playing through the streets of the Old Town are sure signs that the locals are in full party swing! On Saturday the ringing of the bells from the San Jaime Church (up at the Mirador in the Old Town) marked the official start of the fiesta.

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Yolanda spearheads tourism to Benidorm

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The image of Benidorm has unfairly and unjustifiably taken a battering this year from some quarters of the British press, and it is the responsibility of the Benidorm Tourist Board to rebuff these allegations. I met up with Yolanda Pickett yesterday, Head of the Tourist Board to discuss what her job entails and how she reacts to these sensational headlines.

Benidorm to Denia tram service safe

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Back in the Summer there was concern that Tram line 9, which runs between Benidorm and Denia may be forced to close due to lack of investment. Protest and awareness rallies were held in August, which coincided with the hugely popular annual firework display in La Olla, when many thousands use the tram to get to Altea.

New Information Guide launched for Benidorm

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Benidorm held a press conference this morning to officially launch an information booklet called "Benidorm Works" (which today was only available in Spanish but an English copy is in the process of going to print)The 64 page guide was entirely funded by the companies and services included within the guide, so no expense to the Town Hall

Brits fighting in Benidorm

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... but its not what you think - for a change, they weren´t tanked up Brits looking for a fight in "The Square"! Instead, it was a recreation of the 1812 battle which happened on the beach, when the French occupied Benidorm and the British troops tried to overthrow and storm the castle.

Outlet Fair in Alicante

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Located on Plaza del Puerto, the promenade in front of the Casino Mediterraneo and next to the large "pirate" ship at Alicante harbour, you will find an outlet fair with more than 70 stalls.It is not like the usual Sunday market which you find in Benidorm or any other town in the province, but made up of local shop keepers who are looking to sell off the ends of their summer stock.

Tachi - Costa Blanca´s answer to Andy Warhol

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The town of Altea is renowned for being very bohemian, with art galleries and street artists plentiful. Part of this is explained due to the fact that Altea houses the fine arts faculty of Alicante University.Throughout the summer months, if you wonder up the cobbled streets of the old town towards the church, you are flanked by galleries and exhibits displayed on the white washed walls of buildings.

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British tourism keeps Benidorm afloat

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Benidorm faces a harsh Winter as HOSBEC, the Hoteliers Association confirmed that there is an increase in the number of hotels closing during the off season. The tourist capital will close 38 hotels, which accounts for 7,416 beds - last year 34 closed. Antonio Mayor said "they are a necessary temporary adjustment in the current economic climate that is affecting all industries in the area".

Ryanair proposes new routes for Alicante

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Budget Irish airline, Ryanair must be feeling the loss of business as much as El Altet Alicante airport since cutting back flights over the ongoing dispute. They have sent a letter to AENA, the airport operator in which it proposes to create new routes and also to increase the number of flights from April 2013... sounds like great news.

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Quote of the day

Rain is one thing the British do better than anybody else

Latest Comments

  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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