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As the saying goes, nothing in life is free and if it seems too good to be true it generally is - or at least there´s a catch involved somewhere. Benidorm at times can seem inundated with someone either trying to "give away" a free holiday or enticing you to place a bet on the whereabouts of a pea, and supposedly winning an easy 50€! Just don´t is all I can say...

Free trips

Plenty of free trips to pick from
I have often been interested to know whether free trips are the hard sell as portrayed on the Benidorm Series. In series 2 this was one of the hilarious story lines in episode 4 - the cast all went off on a so called "free trip" to watch bullfight. But things didn´t go to plan and they were subjected to a prolonged presentation to buy a juicing machine and the rep, who happen to be Crissy Rock told the group that she wasn´t allowed to take them through to the bullfight until somebody bought a juicer! Eventually Mel put his hand in his pocket to buy one so that the group could go.

Blanket Trips

Flyer for free trips
The only way to find out was to actually go on one myself - my first in 13 years of living here!

There are 3 companies here in Benidorm which offer free trips - PAL, EHP and NHP. The first two are Spanish registered (meaning that they comply with Spanish regulations and NOT British) and associated with certain travel companies: PAL work with Thomas Cook while EHP with Thompson/Cosmos. When you receive your welcome packs you will have flyers from the relevant blanket trip company.

The third company, NHP are British registered and not associated with any travel organisations - they are totally independent. If you want to go on one of these you have to book via Round Town Trips from one of the Round Town Travel shops. The main office is next to Hotel Regente (near the Melia hotel) on the main road going into Benidorm or another one is on Calle Gerona, just past Morgans Tavern but before you get to Stardust - they also have an office in Albir. So not being a holiday maker on a package tour, I opted for NHP.

Going for many years

Guadalest - a popular destination
The reps in the travel shops have a variety of trips available. Some are free, which obviously involve a presentation, because at the end of the day, they are running a business and you are made aware of this. If you do not want to sit through one then you have the option of booking one of the many paid trips which they offer. The coach picks up at various hotels then takes you to their presentation room - which is in Albir, opposite the cricket ground. NHP are the original blanket company and have been operating for 31 years - so that tells me something I think.

Demonstration rooms

Demonstration offices in Albir
You are offered a soft drink on arrival - it was only 10am and settle in. I sat with 2 lovely ladies and was prepared for a real hard slog, hard sell presentation..... but must admit, it never came. NHP manufacture and sell merino wool bedding and mattresses, which are all made in the UK. The presentation was interactive and surprisingly, I found very interesting.

No credit card details

At the end anyone who is interested in purchasing anything leaves their name and contact details and thats it. You approach the rep - they do not come and badger you to ask if you´d be interested in buying anything. No deposits, bank details or credit card details are taken.... something which I hear can happen with "unscrupulous" companies - then by the time you arrive back from your holiday you find out that your bank has been cleared out or your statement arrives with a debit for a number with several zeros on the end! I have read stories like this happening to numerous people which is why I have always been rather guarded about these free trips. I can´t speak for any other company and what their sales pitches are like, but found NHP very fair...
ps I am not on commission to them nor did the rep know who I was. 


0 #1 Shell 2017-09-09 14:19
Which excursion did you take with NHP - ie, the destination? I can see Calpe and Magic Coast but can't decide which would be the best to take my Mum on...

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    Love it xx
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    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Brilliant show!

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