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No joy for chef Gordon as reported in The Sun
There was much hype when it was announced that top UK chef Gordon Ramsay was looking to film his popular and somewhat controversial television series "Ramsey´s Kitchen Nightmare" here in Benidorm.

Rob Gillies, one of the assistant producers came out in April to recce for potential "establishments" - but unfortunately, there were no takers in Benidorm. In fact, a few that were approached said a definite big fat NO!

Foul mouthed chef

The thought of having the foul mouthed chef poking in their kitchen obviously put many off - that and the power of editing, which as everyone knows can certainly alter the context of what is said.

Alberto Chicote - not mincing his words
Only yesterday Spanish television station "Nova" re-aired the country´s equivalent to the UK show Ramsay´s Kitchen Nightmares, with equally outspoken chef Alberto Chicote tearing into a fish restaurant here in Benidorm - just opposite Dove Park in the Old Town.

Showboat verdict - XXXX

Always packed at the Showboat restaurant "Florence Rose"
One very popular restaurant which was approached in Benidorm was the "Florence Rose" at Levi´s Showboat. It certainly doesn´t fit the shows criteria of a "struggling British restaurant" as they are packed virtually every night - offering amazing value at 12 euros for a 3 course freshly prepared meal. How on earth can you improve on that?

Benidorm says NO!

In "The Sun"
But that would certainly have been an interesting duel between Gordon and owner Wayne Edward Wright aka Miss Levi - neither mince their words but I would have taken a 1000/1 wager that Gordon wouldn´t have stood the heat in that kitchen! As quoted in The Sun, Wayne´s response was "Why the bloody hell would I have him in my restaurant?" - but I can assure you, that was a somewhat edited version of his reply... which those that know Wayne will already have guessed!

The Sun has spoken

Two other local establishments that were also approached include the "Geordie Bar Tat" - located next to the popular Indoor Markets in the Rincon de Loix and "Browns Bar" in Campello, with similar responses, as reported in yesterdays copy of The Sun newspaper.

However, there was one brave taker - "Quelcuttis" Bar & Grill in Els Poblets - near Denia....


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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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