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La Cala Finestrat beach - always popular
Tragedy struck at La Cala Finestrat beach yesterday which resulted in the death of a swimmer. In a press release from Finestrat they state that an unidentified male, of around 60 years of age was recovered from the water after nearby police were alerted that someone was in difficulty in the water. An ambulance was on the scene within 3 minutes of 112 being alerted and resuscitation was attempted, but unsuccessful. They suspect that he suffered a heart attack, but has yet to be confirmed.

Preventable Tragedy 

I have spoken to an eyewitness who was there and saw this distressing incident. He tells me that there were no lifeguards on duty - and haven´t been since Easter and that he was not aware of any warning flags (green, yellow or red to denote whether the sea is safe to swim in). I was somewhat disturbed by this so have just been down there to find out for myself.

Notice on door
The beach was certainly busy, with plenty of bathers in the sea, both old and young and no sign of the incident which occurred only 24 hours previously.

No Lifeguards

The modern glass SOS First Aid hut was locked up and gathering plenty of dust - obviously it´s been a long time since it was last in use. There was a sign cello-taped on the door stating that the Lifeguards - or Socorristas in Spanish, did not start to operate until 1st June!
This in itself is rather worrying, especially when there are plenty of lifeguards already along both of the Benidorm beaches - Poniente and Levante. I accept that lifeguards are not on patrol 24/7 and that potentially if this incident had even happened after 1st June but before 10am then it would have had the same outcome, but there are NO signs indicating that there are none.

No warning flags

Bare flag pole and shut information kiosk
What I found even more serious was the fact that there was NO flag flying - just a bare flag pole! Armed with evidence I drove up to the Tourist Information Office just beside Monica Holidays. When I enquired why there where no lifeguards and/or flag they just shrugged their shoulders ... they obviously should have been on yesterday´s presentation with the British Consul in my opinion! They told me to go to the Town Hall up the road.

So off I drove to the top of the road to the lovely modern Town Hall extension building - gosh they certainly like to spend plenty of money on attractive buildings in Finestrat but obviously have nothing left for essential services!  Again I had a similar response and given a telephone number to call the main Town Hall.

Little response from Town Hall

Lifeguard watchtowers - sitting unused at the back
The gentleman I spoke to listened to my questions and concerns and told me that he would call me back - I was somewhat skeptical that he would, but 15 minutes later my mobile rang! Having made enquiries he told me that the contract for lifeguards on La Cala Finestrat operates from 1st June until 30th September - as per note on the SOS hut. I asked why - was it a funding issue, considering all the other beaches already have lifeguards and basically the answer was yes! What about the flag - well apparently that is only operational when the lifeguards are on duty - which not knowing about beach by-laws I don´t know if that is correct. I asked whether, considering yesterdays tragedy shouldn´t a clear prominent sign be erected warning people that there is NO LIFEGUARD - especially as there were so many on the beach. No response. I know he has no authority but Finestrat Town Hall in my opinion are at best are incompetent to have no clear signage either way.

Blue Flag Award

Only signs along beach - indicating flags and lifeguard
The Town relies heavily on tourism yet do nothing to protect those that come and use the facilities. The big notices that are placed along the beach at regular intervals, proudly indicate that they have a blue flag. According to the criteria a "Blue Flag is awarded to coastal destinations which have achieved the highest quality in water, facilities, safety, environmental education and management". The sign also indicate that there are First Aid provisions and a lifeguard - nowhere does it indicate this is only a part time service!

Popular Family Beach 

Beach this morning
La Cala Finestrat is a beautiful sandy beach, quiet and very popular with families as it is uncrowded and the water is shallow - particularly great for children. However, I would warn against going there out of the lifeguard season. No-one goes to the beach imagining that they will get into difficulties, but it happens, as shown yesterday.

For those that do go, especially if you are alone then PLEASE take some kind of ID with you. I don´t mean an original document such as passport of driving license - just write your name, where you are staying and an emergency contact person/number. This poor mans family are not even aware of the tragedy as the police are still trying to identify him.

Finestrat are certainly no strangers when it comes to tragedy. In 2011 two British pensioners were swept to their deaths after flash floods hit the street market - which was held on the dry river bed that had been paved over and repeated warning to the Town Hall. They don´t seem to listen do they....

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    Love it xx
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    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Brilliant show!

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