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The participants of the 2014 "Benidorm or Bust" charity car rally arrived safe and sound in Benidorm yesterday - which is more than could be said for some of the cars! Of the 92 cars that entered 5 died on route, which is pretty good going considering the condition of some. This is the 4th successive year that the event has taken place - and the brainchild of Steve Turner from West Yorkshire.

Top Gear challenge

I spoke with Steve about the inspiration and what it involves to organise such a huge event - it´s like a "Top Gear" challenge, which all boys love. He decided to start it in Blackpool as it´s the Benidorm of the UK - and a great destination he told me.

It is not just get from A to B - the entire route has been planned, which had been recced beforehand. It is almost like a car treasure hunt - there were fun challenges en route, with clues and riddles to find destinations which collected points along the way. Virtually every participant was doing it for a local charity and at a guesstimate,  Steve thinks around 38,000 pounds has been raised this year!

3 Day Drive

It cost 200 GBP to enter and that covered the ferry crossing over to France. There were various pick up points throughout the UK where they could join the convoy. They set off from Blackpool on Wednesday 30th, headed down to Birmingham, onto Thurrock Services then overnight at Dover for a 7:30am crossing on Thursday to Calais.

"Slimer" - bought for 60 GBP was winner of the best car
The challenge was to buy an old banger and do it up for under 200 GBP - Steve assured me that every single car that took part was MOT´d and taxed - despite 23 of them being scrapped at the other end. They all also had to have special rally insurance as a normal car insurance does not cover such an event. Paperwork had to be shown to ensure all vehicles were legally allowed on the road.


There was a competition for the best car - which was won by "Slimer" as in Ghostbusters and the best costume - which was won by "SleazyJet" - the 5 guys dressed up, 1 was the pilot and 4 were air hostesses! They actually drove with a a plane stuck to the roof all the way! Every participant received a certificate and medal

Best costume winners
There were even a few convertibles and they drove through France in the pouring rain with the top down - by the time they arrived in Zaragoza they were sitting in 4 inches of water! They all drove the entire route in fancy dress - and as you can imagine attracted a lot of attention!

Charities the winners

There was a big party and presentation ceremony at TJ´s Bar on Calle Cuenta in the Rincon - where owner Tony put on a buffet for them all. He took part in the rally, raising money for the San Juan hospital special baby care unit, which his granddaughter was in and also Macmillan cancer support - both charities close to his heart.

So many worthy charities have benefitted from this fun rally - Kyle and Joe, aka the "Mario Brother" paid 200GBP for their vehicle, bought some tins of dulux paint and rollers and set to work customizing it! They were raising money for the St Michael´s Hospice in Harrogate and even dressed the part!

Fun at Karting Finestrat

This morning all the participants gathered at Karting Finestrat for an afternoon of fun - mind you, after 3 days of driving I am surprised that they had the energy or inclination - but they were all up for it! The 23 cars that were being scrapped had a bit of a bashing session in the car park and Phil of "Bradley Breakers" from Torrevieja arrived to sign all the paperwork to take the cars off the owners.

This beauty was being scrapped - I quite fancied her for myself
It was truly amazing the effort that so many of them had gone to -  customizing cars and the fancy dress. Shame that the British Fancy Dress Day is in November otherwise they could have coincided the date, but the weather and risk of snow through France would deem it too dangerous for many of the motors!

Virtually all the contestants have said that they will do it again next year - all 1400 or so miles. One team said that in all, entry, fuel & tolls, food and accommodation it was around 1500 GBP - which split between the 3 of them was 500 GBP each but well worth the excitement, experience and good cause they were doing it for. They are already planning for next year - this was their first rally but next year, having seen the effort some went to they are going all out to win one of the prizes.

All the cars doomed to die here in Spain

Fancy a go next year?

If you would like to take part in next years "Benidorm or Bust" rally then email Steve for further information at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The route will be slightly different, so those that took part this year don´t have an advantage - and get creative!!!!


0 #1 Anonymous 2014-05-05 08:33
Well done to the Collision Solutions team who raised over £4,000 for Help for Heroes (and made it in one piece!)

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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