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Lady Gaga - very popular with the youth
This is currently a very controversial topic in Benidorm, with many asking ARE children allowed in bars. A few have notices outside stating "No under 16´s" - some with a time limit to what time they are allowed in until and come under a lot of criticism from holiday makers. After all, Benidorm is promoted as a "family friendly" resort.

Children banned from bars

Last week an incident took place in one of the many "cabaret bars", where a family watching a tribute act after 9pm and were asked to leave as the children were under 16. If you read the current thread on Trip Advisor on the topic entitled "Kids banned ? (again)", which is running to over 130 comments you get varying replies. However, a so called "destination expert for Benidorm" states "There is no law banning children in bars" - WRONG!

One Vision - Good family friendly entertainment
I have spoken to the bar manager involved in one such incident and also to the Town hall, Police and Tourism Office today. "Ley 14/2010/13297" which was passed on 3rd December 2010 by Generalitat Valenciana under section 34 states "The entry of under 16´s is not permitted in nightclubs, discos, dance halls and pubs". This is a "law" which was passed for the entire Valencian community, of which the Costa Blanca and Benidorm come under. However, Benidorm is an exceptional cases and is reliant on tourism. It does not give a time limit, implying any time of the day. One possible solution would be to introduce a time limit - perhaps 10 or 11pm

Law not been enforced locally

Popular group - Shoe Waddy waddy
The Policia Local or National Police have NOT been enforcing this so called law - the instances where police entered the venues arrived from the Generalitat Valenciana in Valencia. As with many laws, some are not enforced, such as the under 16 ban so long as there is no trouble, they are not drinking alcohol and they are with responsible adult.

Now that things have escalated, it almost appears as if those in Valencia are short of holiday or fiesta funds and decided to swoop on unsuspecting venues and enforce this "law". This is creating a lot of unease, not only among the businesses involved but also the Benidorm authorities and possible repercussions on the entire tourism industry here.

Tribute Acts

Many of the tribute acts are geared towards the family market, such as Adele, Lady Gaga, Take That, Shoe Waddy Waddy - all good clean family orientated entertainment. Some acts are probably not appropriate for under 16´s because of the language and content, but that must be the responsibility of the individual parent. On a personal note, I do not agree that babies and toddlers asleep in buggies lined up at the back of bars at 2am is correct, but that is MY opinion.

There will be meetings next week with officials and the police here in Benidorm to discuss how to resolve this issue - after all, Benidorm provides a huge percentage of the revenue for the region as well as employment for locals. They need to make a case for Benidorm being an exception case - I will keep you all updated.

America has a well known "no under 21´s" in bars - yet it doesn´t stop families going to America....


-1 #3 megan 2017-06-16 13:16
does anyone know bars where teens are allowed to go with adults
+1 #2 james hornsey 2014-04-26 15:18
It was my family that was asked to leave the venue in question last week,despite being in there the evening before! Our family consisted of myself and my wife (late 30s) my wifes parents (late fifties) and our very well behaved 10 yr old son. He loves live entertainment as in the uk this is my business! He sits on his seat doesnt move and claps and sings along with all the acts. I was drinking soft drinks along with my wife mother in law and son and my father in law was drinking beer. If the bar just didnt want children in there than thats fine,its their bar after all. But the way we were practically thrown out just seconds after we sat down was disgusting! As a lover of benidorm i truely hope this silliness is sorted sooner rather than later as the hundred of thousands of families due to visit this year will NOT return! Also word spreads as you can see on various social media and at a time when the economy is this fragile i would hate to see bars close down and hard working people lose their jobs
+1 #1 Mal Goode 2014-04-25 22:50
We started going to Benidorm in 2004 BECAUSE children were allowed in the bars as opposed to the over restrictive UK laws. Now 10 years later after 3 visits every year our daughter is 18 having enjoyed a childhood of music and entertainment she could not otherwise have experienced. How many fights witnessed – none. But the in-house security is VERY effective and many times we have witnessed the security ejecting problem groups before trouble started including just 3 nights ago in the Western. To restrict the bars/clubs the same as in the UK would reduce Benidorms attraction to many who want a nightlife experience together with their kids. Responsible parents would soon move if a problem did break out and the in-house security is already effective so why change something when it ain’t broke! As as Brit I am ashamed to say that the boisterous drunk stag/hen problem persons are generally Brits so surely they are the ones to bar not the kids that are still consuming expensive non-alcholic drinks – but enjoying the entertainment peacefully.

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

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