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Brits participating in local events
Much has been made in the British tabloids today of ex-pats packing up and disappearing, with headlines such as "Spanish dream has ended for 90,000 ex-pats". I really don´t know where they get these figures from and local radio presenter Dave Rowland has been on BBC Radio Wales this morning to dispute this claim.

Fiercely patriotic Benidorm at fiesta time
The National Institute of Statistics released figures that showed for 2013 the number of registered inhabitants in the Alicante province fell by 83,000. This is a TOTAL figure and not just ex-pat residents as implied in the British press. Of that 40,000 were British, 14,000 German and the balance made up of other nationalities, including South Americans. However, bucking the trend are Russian and Chinese nationals - non EU citizens who invest half a million euros in property have the right to remain as residents.

Work and Health Care

British Consul Paul Rodwell
There are two main reasons to explain why some ex-pats are heading back - work and health care. Unemployment in Spain is currently 26% against the UK figure of 7%, with under 25´s in Spain hit the hardest. That figure rockets up to 56% - only Greece has a higher percentage of young people out of work, at 62%. Many Brits don´t help themselves either by not learning the language therefore limiting themselves to work opportunities. Also there is no benefit culture here as in the UK - no work therefore no contribution into the system = no benefits! As it stands, unemployment benefit for those entitled to it only last for a year in most cases.

The second primary reason for Brits heading back is health care. In December 2012 health care entitlements changed. Up until that point, if you registered at your local Town Hall that you were resident you were automatically entitled to free Social Security health care - NHS equivalent, just like a Spanish residents. However, with the economic climate and the health system in crisis new regulations were introduced.

British Government pays Spanish Government

Local Social Security hospital near Benidorm
Pensioners who have retired to the sun and are entitled to NHS health care in the UK, and continue to receive their pension are 100% covered. The British Government pays the Spanish Government a fixed sum per person to cover health care. Those that are working LEGALLY, by which I mean declaring their earnings and paying tax are also covered - whether employed on a contract or autonomo, self employed. The ones which are affected are those working in the black - cash in hand and early retirees, as they are not contributing into the system. They have 2 options for those living in the Valencian community, which includes the Costa Blanca - pay a monthly contribution which is in the region of 70€ per person per month or take out private health cover.

Brits still buying property

What brings most Brits here - the climate
So in short, many that do go back usually fall into one of those 2 categories - also some pensioners with failing health return to be near family - not because the care here is poor but the language barrier can be isolating for them. But it should be noted that Brits still continue to top the list of property buyers in the region..... that tells a story in itself surely. Don´t believe everything you read in the British press - I should change that to anything really!

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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