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Closed off front terrace
Many will have noticed rather a lot of building work going on at the Marina Corner, part of the Marina Hotel on Calle Gerona over the last month. It sits on what is probably the busiest junction in the Rincon -  with Tiki City and Andy´s both opposite.

Well the renovations are now virtually finished and a brand new, totally renovated cabaret and disco bar will open this Wednesday, 12th March - the "White Star".

The White Star line is today most famous for the ill-fated Titanic cruise liner - but how many of you knew that originally the hotel use to be called "The Titanic" - hence the connection and name for the new venue!

Manager Ray with plans of the new look "White Star"
I popped by and spoke with Ray - the manager of both Luckys casino and the Secret Fountain above, which incidentally has now re-opened for the season, and he also has the mammoth job of running the new venue!  The renovations have been in the pipeline for some time and lets just say that a "considerable" amount of money has been spent... it´ll make your hair curl! But as Ray said, if you want to do something properly you can´t cut corners.

New extended terrace overlooking pool
He showed me the plans, which looked amazing before taking me on a guided tour... it was a hive of activity with an army of workmen beavering away. Inside the hotel they have partitioned off part of the old bar/cafeteria from the reception side and incorporated it into the new bigger venue. The terrace at the front - on the Calle Gerona side, which is always packed during any sort of fiesta is being extended, so it sweeps around the side, overlooking the swimming pool.

New cabaret area - stage yet to be installed in marked area
The grand opening is this Wednesday - from 8pm onwards. There will be live daily entertainment from 4.30pm till 6.00pm then the evening shows begin at 9.00pm until midnight - 3 shows per night, 7 days per week after which there will be a disco until 3am!

Bar area with panelling reminiscent of a cruise liner
Ray has managed to attract a selection of fantastic performers and some of the names in the line up include The Fantastics; Amy Winehouse tribute; Mickey Lewis - stand up comedian on Sky TV; "New Boys" - who were contestants on X-Factor Cuba;  John the Fiddler; Beni Beatles; Marty Wade - Joe Longthorn tribute; Ivan Gonzalo - Michael Jackson & Saturday Night Fever tribute; Rod Stewart tribute; Mr Motown; Wayne Rivers - Country & Western rock....  a real cross section which will appeal to a wide audience.

Massive screen
It is not only inside that things have changed - a HUGE 10 metre screen has been erected around the far side of the pool area, which will be broadcasting all the major sporting events. The first of these starts tomorrow - the Cheltenham Gold Cup and I can only imagine that come the Football World Cup, which kicks off on 12th June, it will be difficult to find a spare seat!

Ray will certainly have his hands full - but if he runs it as well as the Secret Fountain, which is always packed throughout the Summer months, then they are onto a winner - the live entertainment will start in May up on the roof terrace he told me.

They have got a great line up for the St Patrick´s Day celebrations, both throughout the day and night and special drink offers on too but sooner than that, don´t forget, everyone is welcome on board the White Star this Wednesday at 8pm!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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