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Show stoppers from 2011
Fiestas and parties are a way of life in Spain and barely a month goes by without some kind of celebration.

Well it´s Carnival week in Benidorm, as across all of Spain - this year slightly later as the date is determined by when Easter falls, which is Sunday 20th April.

Everyone loves to dress up here - and I don´t just mean the children. Pop into any toy shop and you will be amazed at the array of fancy dress costumes available for both children and adults! I have noticed that the Chinese shops have also started stocking outfits and brightly coloured wigs over the last few years - never ones to miss out on a business opportunity!

Throughout this week school children have been dressing up - each day they have to wear something funny from a list that is sent home to the parents. This normally only applies to the primary schools, can you imagine a teen in secondary - they would scowl that it´s uncool!You may notice the young ones wearing odd socks, a hat, fathers big kipper tie and usually on Friday they will have their faces painted - quite how much work gets done during this period is anyones guess!

Imaginative "Barbie" dolls
Various low key events have been going on this week but the highlight of Carnival is the fancy dress parade, which takes place this Saturday - 1st March.  There are two parades - a smaller children´s one which is planned for 11am. This will head down the Ruzafa and finish at the Town Hall square, where there will be games and entertainment for the children.

Very "black & white" minstrelly!
The main parade sets off at 9.30pm from the top end of Calle Ruzafa, where the Crystal Park hotel is located - but do allow for Spanish time keeping! It will wind its way down to the Town Hall square, where each group will present itself to a panel of judges for the fancy dress competition.

It is certainly worth going along to watch the often comical outfits - sometimes it´s a wonder where they get the ideas and inspiration from. However, I don´t think that the thrill of the show stopper girls from 2011 has been repeated - they could easily have fitted into the Rio carnival parade!

Pop back again on Sunday for a full pictorial of the various outfits worn for the parade.

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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