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Police outriders on their Sedgeways leading the march
This lunchtime Benidorm was invaded - over a thousand people descended at the top end of Poniente beach front with man´s best friend - their doggies, for a mass rally.
The event was organised by "SPAP" - Sociedad Protectora de Animales y Plantas Benidorm branch and Benidorm Dog Homing, a voluntary group helping to re-home abandoned dogs.

It was a real family event and everyone was encouraged to wear orange - many of the dogs had scarves wrapped around them to show solidarity.

The aim of the march was to raise awareness of the cruelty suffered, in particular to breeds classified as hunting dogs, once they have finished their "work life" and to encourage their adoption and integration into a family unit.

Gill - with the dog and some of the participants before the start
I spoke with Gill Brookshaw, one of the co-organisers from Benidorm Dog Homing about the event. She is one of the many volunteers who tirelessly fundraise to help re-home the countless number of abandoned dogs. At the moment she told me that there are over 200 dogs in the Benidorm shelter - many which have been left by so called British dog lovers when things go wrong and they head back to the UK.... I wonder whether they would consider leaving one of their children!

She was absolutely delighted with the turnout and support shown by people of all nationalities. The Benidorm pound is open Monday to Saturday from 10am until 1pm and they are always looking for volunteers to help out - with so many dogs there it´s almost impossible for them all to be taken out for a walk, which is why volunteers are always most welcome. You can contact Gill via their FaceBook page - Benidorm Dog Homing.

Vicenta Sanchez Aracil - an amazing lady
The march started from the beach police station on Poniente seafront, where everyone congregated for the 12 noon set off. It made its way along the front and headed up to the Town Hall, where they were met by the President of SPAP - Vicenta Sanchez Aracil. This amazing 86 year old lady has been at the helm of the Benidorm branch since 1973. She told me last year alone 15,000 hunting dogs were killed across Spain by either being shot or hung from a tree once the hunting season had finished - exhausted and exploited... truly shocking!

One lucky girl getting a helping hand!
Hunting dogs are faithful and loyal and could easily integrate into family life. The Spanish for hunting is ´caza´, but by changing the "z" to an "s" it become ´casa´- home.... the objective of the day.

The song ´You´ve got a friend in me" by Carole King was played as the march approached the Town Hall and became the logo blazoned across the front of orange tshirts -  "Hay un amigo en mi".... "You´ve got a friend in me".
Made it...... 
Vicenta gave a powerful speech in Spanish followed up by Gill in English of the plight of these poor abandoned animals. Similar marches were held in 9 other cities across Spain, all at 12 noon in a concerted effort to raise awareness and show solidarity. Associations, animal shelters and volunteers have been campaigning for years for the authorities not to turn a blind eye to the mistreatment suffered by these animals.

They are not tools - they are much more. They are perfect friends who will never fail you - put a friend in your life... adopt a HOME dog!

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Consciousness: That annoying time between naps

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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