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Yesterday I met up with a very talented young man by the name of Matthew Sear - a guitarist and composer who is currently on holiday here in Albir.

However, it´s more of a busman´s holiday as he has come with a purpose - to do what he loves doing to benefit a good cause, Cancer Research.

This Friday, 21st February, he is giving a guitar recital at the Frax Centre in Albir - which is located literally right on the seafront.

Imposing Frax building in Albir
Matthew, who lives in London has been holidaying in Albir since a boy - and his parents would spend 3 months at a time out here, it´s like a second home for them he told me. He performs mainly in the UK and last year alone notched up in the region of 75 performances - this is in addition to his day job which is teaching... obviously music, in particular the guitar!

He has a staggering 21 guitars in his personal collection - a mix of classic and rock and most have names. He bought down "Tony" - pictured, which he will be using on Friday. I joked with him that he obviously didn´t come on Ryanair - no BA he replied and was allowed to take it into the cabin with him. I should think so as it is insured for five and a half thousand pounds! He strummed a few tunes out and had everyone in the hotel bar mesmerized.

This is the fourth year that Matthew has been performing here - this year poignantly for Cancer Research as his mother is at stage 4 in her own personal battle.

The performance starts at 7pm and expected to last around 45 minutes.  Tickets, which will be available at the door are only 2 euros - and all money will be donated to the cancer charity. He will be playing a mix of Spanish and English, traditional and modern... I will be popping along and hope there is a good turnout.

 I am sure many like me will be thinking ¨There but for the grace of god, go I" ... you never know what´s round the corner. Well done and good luck Matthew...
To find out more about Matthew check out his webpage:

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    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Brilliant show!

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