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If you fancy a bit of old fashioned music hall comedy then make sure you catch "Dame Lucy Bun and Reg" - on exclusively at Talk of the Coast. They are a double act reminiscent of a seaside postcard, featuring an older domineering wife - Dame Lucy and her downtrodden obedient husband - Reg.

In character
It is all very innocent, combining saucy cheek with innuendoes and the one hour show keeps the audience captivated - it is certainly a unique  refreshing act here in Benidorm and suitable for all ages as there is no swearing or bad language. I met up with the pair who play the amusing characters - Simon Young (Dame Lucy) and Duncan Eyre (Reg).

Originally from Yorkshire, Simon now lives down in Kent where he is in the middle of a very exciting project - building a houseboat... a man of many talents! He started his showbiz career in the theatre, initially with the National Youth theatre at 16 then went on for a further 7 years at various theatres up and down the country. A secret passion of Simon is lions - yes the roaring kind and he has reared 18 over the years, one from only 2 hours old! For 2 years he performed a wrestling show at Flamingo Land in Yorkshire with live lions such is the trust they have with each other.

Chatting with Duncan and Simon
Simon "invented" the Dame Lucy act back in 1979, taking it around the country to much acclaim and was top of the bill in Jersey in 1980 - he then went on to be nominated for the variety club awards. For 5 years he worked on the holiday island of Rhodes, performing a comedy illusion show before returning back to the UK and bringing back the popular double act, pairing up with Duncan as his side kick Reg. They have been successfully touring together for the last 12 years - Duncan is a trained opera singer who graduated from Bristol in 2001and been with Simon ever since.

This is the second time that the act has been in Benidorm - they have returned for a limited period due to repeated requests and they both love working in Benidorm. As Simon told me, there is no other place like it in the world. There is something for everyone here and if you can´t find something you like you´re impossible to entertain!

The nightly ritual of getting ready is rather gruelling though - but when you see the end result you can understand why. It takes them around 45 minutes to get made up - they do their own make up, which is special theatrical make up imported from Switzerland. I went and watched them before one of their shows applying the stuff - never will I complain again! It is far quicker getting it off they laughed - we use half a pack of baby wipes!

The show is a quirky and memorable act with mannerisms comparable to the legendary Max Miller, the Cheeky Chappie music hall comedian of yesteryear. You will certainly leave the show with a big smile and an aching belly - and as in true life, the downtrodden husband gets the last laugh!

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how much patience you have for instance

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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