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The Spanish Government is looking to freeze the minimum wage in 2014 at 21.51 euro per day, which works out to a mere 645 euros per month!  They will be consulting with the trade unions and employee organisations and make a final decision later in the year - but how on earth can people survive on so little. With rent probably swallowing a hefty chunk of that it´s no wonder so many young are heading to the UK to look for work or still living with mum and dad into their thirties.

Pretty but money up in smoke....
In tourist resorts such as Benidorm, with many unofficially working for black money, this rate is likely to be even less.... the work is seasonal and they have no job security either. It is a sorry desperate situation with no end in sight. Yet councils are still insistent on spending vast amounts on fiestas across the country ... and in particular fireworks. In times of plenty no problem, but it seems somewhat selfish and inconsiderate when so many are struggling.

With staff being paid so little perhaps it explains their lack of enthusiasm and attentiveness towards the customer? Anyone living in Spain would have experienced the lack of customer service when going to the post office, bank - in fact, to most places. But it is something that we just accept as their way as infuriating as it is - the alternative is.... and we don´t want to go there!

Many supermarkets have a trolley near to the tills for donations of dry goods for the poor families - but that list of needy is growing weekly. Families are queuing up at handout stations for food and clothing... you wouldn´t think that this was the 21st century would you! There are numerous charity fundraisers - probably at least one per month to raise money for organisations that should be supported by the government such as Emaus and  Alzheimer's, but due to cutbacks they suffer too.

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    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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