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Sammy in middle
Starting on Monday the resort will host its third Benidorm Gay Pride – but the main events, which everyone looks forward to will be held on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th. It is the last of the Prides across Europe - they intentionally don´t all host them at the same time to enable people to enjoy more than one. The organising committee responsible for this spectacular is made up of Sammy Kruz and Christian Renan Zambrano – the boys which are hosting the the two day spectacular together with Boris Nikulin, Marc Gadea and Chelo Oliva. I met up with Sammy at Sensations in the Old Town to find out what is in store for those attending.


Benidorm Old Town is quickly developing into a popular destination hotspot for gay and lesbian travellers and will soon be competing with the likes of Gran Canaria, Mykanos and Sitges - which Sammy told me are THE places. In the main this is thanks to its charming location and relaxed easy going gay friendly bars, clubs and hotels. Most of these display the rainbow flag outside of their premises - this has become a symbol which in fact signifies freedom. 


The Town Hall are fully supportive of this spectacular annual event and the main stage for the weekends programme will be under the Town Hall square, where you will also find the beer tent - which I am sure will see a lot of action! Things kick off on Friday at 6pm with Sammy warming up the crowds before the start of the drag queen gala, from which a winner will be chosen and announced before the end of the night. At 9pm our very own Girls Aloud tribute band will take to the stage to entertain the crowds – as they did very successfully last year.


Saturday is the most exciting and fun part of the entire event – the parade! The floats and participants will gather at the McDonalds in the Rincon de Loix at 6pm for a 7pm start – for those wishing to take part the message is you cannot have too much glitz, glamour and sparkle for the occasion! The parade will go down the Levante seafront and end up at the Town Hall – in all it is expected to last about an hour and a half. This is followed by the really hot stuff - a Mr Levante and Mr Poniente competition ...warning, minimal clothing and maximum body will be on display! The hugely popular Mother Monster (Lady Gaga tribute) will be on stage at 9.30pm to maintain the buzz and atmosphere before the winner is announced and will then perform again for the grand finale at around 11pm.

Last years fantastic and colourful parade
On both nights everyone then heads off to the Old Town to carry on celebrating where all the bars have extended opening licenses – so make sure you take a siesta in the afternoon. One very important point to note is that you do not need to be gay to take part  (just incase you are wondering) – it is a community event that includes everyone

On behalf of the committee Sammy would like to thank all those taking part in the event – all the acts are giving their time for free to help make this the most talked about pride in Europe. Once it is over and they are recovered they will work on a proposal and business plan to present to the Town Hall for next years event - and hopefully get some funding to publicise the extravaganza. It is certainly in their interests as it brings in a huge amount of people annually which is all great news for the local economy. 

As Russia has become a homophobic society gays should take note that Benidorm will welcome you all and you will have no fear of reprisals here.... and with an excellent selection of vodka as an added bonus! Restaurants and bars are geared up for the Russian market with menus in most already printed in Russian. 

Good luck to Sammy and the gang - I am confident it will be a great success as always... you have the midas touch!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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