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Sol Pelicanos transformed into the Solana resort
It hardly seems possible that it was only 5 weeks ago that filming finished of the new Benidorm series ! It feels like a lot longer since the resort was besieged by crew, cast and fans - but having said that we miss all the madness here.
ITV have just announced that the new series, the sixth made by Tiger Aspect Productions will be aired in January 2014 - many have been asking and hoping that it was going to be this year, but the wait will certainly be worth it. Repeats of old episodes can be found regularly and the frequency confirms how popular the series is in the UK.

Look out for this chauffeur...
The highlight of this series was probably the appearance of Hollywood legend Joan Collins - what a coup and honour for the creator and writer Derren Litten. He will even make an appearance in a scene with the star - but will be in disguise... wonder how many will recognise him!

Granada television made a short documentary about the filming of the series and spoke to some of the cast, many of who are from the north of England which you can watch on the link below:

Interviewing Jake in the "Solana" 
One of the original and most popular cast members, Mateo aka actor Jake Canuso is bringing out a calendar for 2014 - and when I say popular having nearly 50,000 twitter followers confirms that! He will be coming back to the resort to promote it and I can guarantee, having seen some of the proofs that it will definitely be very sought after and on Christmas wish lists!


0 #1 Takey Tezey Heth 2013-08-07 13:22
Hi Irena,

Just found your blog through Twitter! (Your profile came up as a suggestion thing). I've been searching for Brit expat blogs in Benidorm for ages now & there aren't many!

Anyway, we've both been lucky enough to retire early. Went to Benidorm for 6 weeks in winter, stayed at The Melia hotel. And after a lot of thought decided we're selling up & moving over there. We just can't take the UK weather anymore.

We found an estate agent, got ID cards & a few other prep things.

First of all though we have to sell our Dutch barge, yes we're a bit unconventional & live on a gorgeous (always warm) boat. It's outside that's the problem!
She's been up for sale since we got back from Spain, but the market here is slowww too.

Whether she's sold or not we're going back to Benidorm in January 2014 for 3 months & renting an apartment. We'd like to find an apartment (to live in) towards the back of Benidorm, where it's a bit quieter but within walking distance of everything.

I'm in my 6th year of blogging now about our unconventional lifestyle, I find humour in almost everything & the blog will continue wherever we end up!

Blog address:
[Takey Tezey = "Take it easy"] the name of our boat!


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The facts, although interesting, are usually irrelevant

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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