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With the mercury hitting the mid thirties many are taking to the sea to cool down. The Levante beach was packed over the weekend as were the bars along the promenade. Business owners have been worried that with the hot snap in the UK many would chose "staycations" - but wondering around the resort it looked fairly busy. Fortunately for us here, we are geared up for this type of weather, but there are simple guidelines which you should take note of, especially if you are not use to such extreme heat.

Usual crowds outside Tiki Beach
The most important is to make sure you do not get dehydrated - drink plenty... by which I mean water! Although nothings feels better than to down an ice cold pint, especially when it only costs 1.50 euro a pint, drinking alcohol in the hot summer weather can leave you dehydrated, confused and more susceptible to accidents and injury. Try and alternate with a non alcoholic drink if possible!

Try not to go out during the hottest part of the day. You will notice all the Spanish leaving the beaches around noon time and not returning until around 5pm - take your cue from them and follow suit. When you are there ensure that you have plenty of sun protection on - better still keep a t-shirt on, especially for children. The shore line along the Levante is extremely rocky so it wouldn´t be a bad idea to invest in a pair of rubber soled swimming shoes - available in most Chinese shops as some of the rocks can be very sharp.

Look out for a green flag
If planning on swimming in the sea make sure that you adhere to the flags - yesterday a total of 27 people had to be rescued in Alicante, nineteen of those were on San Juan beach where a RED flag was flying! Remember, if you go into the sea when there is red flag flying you are breaking the beach by-laws and could be fined between 700 and 1500 euros! I am not aware that any of those yesterday were fined but it wouldn´t surprise me if in this current financial climate they were yet presented with one.


0 #1 gillette 2013-07-22 17:20
Just read the link to by laws and especially no alcohol. Having just rturned from poniente beach where I have been disturbed by several individuals selling coca cola, fanta, mojitos helloo at full gob. I certainly wouldn't buy mojitos. How do you know the alcohol is fit for humans. It could be the dodgy vodka kind.

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