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Credit Card payment machines
The Department of Health in Spain has collected a staggering 37,760 euros in just three months from foreign tourists that were not entitled to free health care within the Valencian community - or not having any proof of entitlement.

Nearest "NHS" hospital covering Benidorm
25 Centro de Saluds within the region - the equivalent of a UK health centre, have had special payment machines installed that take credit card payments from those patients which sought healthcare but did not have a European Health Insurance Card, otherwise known as the blue EHIC. Remember you HAVE to also present your passport when using the EHIC card.
The Social Security hospital in Villa Joyosa, the Marina Baixa even has an entire billing department that deals with the growing problem - this is the hospital which you need to go to if visiting Benidorm and needing treatment using your EHIC.

The Minister of Health Manuel Llombart said that the department hopes to raise in the region of 5 million euros per year from those receiving health care in Spain but have no proof of their entitlement to it. "Health Tourism" is a growing problem, not only here in Spain but also in the UK. It still amazes me that some Brits coming on holiday to Spain do not have an EHIC - they are FREE to obtain, providing you are entitled to NHS care.

Centro de Salud in the Rincon de Loix
I popped to the Health Centre in the Rincon de Loix to enquire about British holiday makers turning up to see a doctor without an EHIC and passport. The charge I was informed is 142 euros! The person on reception actually said that he would advise them to go to the IMED Levante private hospital just down the road as it was cheaper for a consultation. Let that be a warning to anyone about to come over for their holiday without the card... especially families with children!

Billing Department at Villa Joyosa hospital
At Villa Joyosa hospital they see about a dozen Brits per week who turn up with no card. I actually got chatting with an ex-pat who has been here for a number of years and she was trying to sort out the charge for her husbands treatment for an ulcer on his toe - he was not covered on the social security system. He stayed in for a couple of nights and the total, which included treatment came to 1500 euros. This was for a fairly straight forward procedure so can you imagine the cost if he had needed major surgery! It should hopefully highlight the importance of ensuring you have your EHIC and also adequate medical insurance incase you need ongoing treatment or repatriation, as the EHIC will not cover that.  The British Consulate have an ongoing campaign aimed at holiday makers to emphasise this point as they deal with many such cases on a weekly basis.

You need both!
With the new card payment machines it is virtually impossible to avoid paying if you do not have your EHIC card.
Following the successful results of this trial I am sure that it will be rolled out to other regions across Spain in the not too distant future...

The health centres and/or hospital always take details of your passport and are you should be aware that they have the legal right under British law to pursue payment once back in the UK - this was confirmed to me by a member of staff in the billing department at the hospital.

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    Love it xx
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    Brilliant show!

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