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Last year in Albir
The biggest annual beach party takes place this Sunday, 23rd June on beaches across the region to celebrate the festival of San Juan. As Spanish state schools all finish tomorrow, yes I know it´s a LONG Summer if you have children, the beaches will be packed till the early hours as there is no school run on Monday morning.

It is a fabulous tradition and there is a real party atmosphere - the two best ones in the area (in my opinion) are either Albir or La Cala beaches. People normally start arriving early evening and set up their camps - it is all very civilised with tables, chairs, disposable bbq´s and plenty of cool boxes - normally stashed with beer and wine! If you are driving get there early as parking will be a real problem - the police normally close the road off to traffic running along the Albir front so you may have some distance to walk with all your picnic bits.

The brave ones at the front ready to dive in....
As midnight approaches everyone descends to the shoreline and the really brave ones go into the sea at the stroke of midnight.... the majority looking on bemused and opting to paddle - Im in that group surprisingly! It is pitch black but that doesn´t stop anyone - there are no "Elf and Safety" officials preventing you here... don´t think that they would get very far to be honest.

Look how close those children are!
In years gone by you use to be allowed to light small bonfires, or "Hogueras" as they are known here, on the beach itself but that has unfortunately been banned now - mainly due to the mess left behind rather than safety issues. However, last year the council in Albir did erect a huge bonfire for everyone to stand around and enjoy - plus of course the obligatory firework display afterwards.

It is a great evening and I would definately recommend that you go along and be part of a great Spanish fiesta.... but take a cardi as it may get a little chilly in the early hours and a towel if you plan on having a dip!

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    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Brilliant show!

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