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Are you one of the many who drink bottled water instead of tap water? In a recent report Spain is among the five largest per capita consumers of bottled water in the world, drinking about 5,000 million bottles per year - which equates to approximately 100 - 150 litres per person!

But there are many conflicting reports and non have proved inconclusively the benefits of drinking bottled in preference to tap water - which obviously costs far more... in fact, between 200 and 1000 times more than tap water. It is essential, especially in this hot weather to stay hydrated and drink plenty - and I am not referring to alcoholic beverages either.

Many choose bottled water as they think that the tap water in Spain "bad" - it´s not bad but probably tastes different to what you are use to. In fact, even across the UK, water tastes different in each region. However, remember that the chances are you take ice in your drinks and probably eat plenty of salads whilst here on holiday ..... what sort of water do you think is used for that? Certainly not bottled water!

A report published recently highlighted the energy involved in making the plastic bottles - producing a glass worth of bottled water releases 185gm of CO2 into the atmosphere, the same as a car travelling one kilometre! Another consequence of the consumption of bottled water is the waste it produces - only 13% goes to landfill sites, the rest is strewn in streets, parks and public places causing environmental damage.

Drinking plenty - but my guess is not water!
Statistics show that Public Administrations in Spain consume between 5-10% of the total and if this was replaced by tap water in meetings and conferences then it would save the tax payer in the region of 50 million euros per year! When you look at it like that it is a phenomenal amount of money...

With temperatures hitting the 30´s along the coast, possibly even more and remaining high, it is crucial that you drink plenty of fluids during the day - especially if you are out in the sun enjoying the fabulous beaches. Take some with you...
It is actually unheard of to ask for tap water here in restaurants, unlike in the UK - where they will often bring you a jug of iced water to the table.... not sure why really!

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    Love it xx
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    Brilliant show!

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