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Casino Mediterraneo in Alicante - nearest to Benidorm
Benidorm Council has submitted a proposal to the Minister of Finance of the region, Juan Carlos Moragues an economic report to seek permission to overturn the ban on opening casinos within hotels. To date Government laws prohibit the opening of casinos within a hotel but do allow some gaming machines - with restrictions.

The reports estimates that if the ban was lifted then it could generate up to 1,400 jobs in the area as well as offering tourists and visitors an extra dimension leisure wise. Around 30 hotels have expressed an interest in the plan and the Council would also like to make it easier for other establishments such as campsites to offer gaming machines on their premises. According to sources, seven hotels in the centre of Benidorm would like to open up gambling arcades within their complexes.

Lucky´s in Benidorm - nearest Benidorm has to a casino
Only recently the "Benidorm" film crew descended on Luckys gaming arcade - which is located next to the Marina hotel to shoot a scene at a "casino" - they had to get a roulette table all the way from Torrevieja specially for it!

The nearest casino to Benidorm is in Alicante - Casino Mediterraneo, located at the harbour after the one in Villa Joyosa closed some years ago. However, there is a bingo hall, fairly similar to a Gala or Mecca in the UK, located at the top end of the Avd Mediterraneo, opposite the Plaza Triangular and like the casino you have to be over 18 to enter and show photo ID. I find it quite strange that they are not allowed to advertise the prize money on offer until you are inside the establishment, but gambling laws are very strict here. It is very plush inside and they offer very cheap subsidised meals which you can enjoy in between playing.

Many bars, especially the British ones and hotels play bingo but you will never see it advertised as such - normally it´s referred to as "Eyes Down" or "Housey Housy"...
Every now and then the police will crack down on venues but it is certainly a very popular past time with the Brits, as you will observe if you ever walk past... and the prize money in some of them is amazing - think I may have to have a stroll down this evening!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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