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Typical scene along Calle Gerona
Benidorm has certainly become the party capital of Europe in recent years - and it is the number 1 location for Stag & Hen groups. It must be said that it does cater to all - from groups of youngsters to families which is evident from the number that return year after year. But not everyone is happy - local residents, affected by the noise coming from many of the bars are complaining to the Town Hall. It is not only those centred around the "Square" on Calle Gerona - which are the obvious ones, but complaints have also been made about those on the Levante front.

Outside Tiki Beach - normal!
If you walk along the seafront, you cannot help but be staggered by the vast amount of people spilling onto the street outside Tiki Beach, Heartbreak and Daytona. It certainly has a great party atmosphere and where everyone heads to, with live music playing to add to the festive mood.

I think that it places the authorities in a very difficult position - they need to keep the local residents happy but at the same time they cannot afford to come down heavily on the bars who are bringing business into the resort... unfortunately I think they are in a no win situation.

As well as residents that live directly above these bars, complaints are being made by those on holiday who are wanting to enjoy the peace of the beach.... hardly likely if you decide to set your towel down anywhere near to one of the numerous aforementioned bars. But the Levante beach IS long so if you want a quieter spot it´s not too hard to find one - or you can always head down to the Poniente beach!

Back along the Calle Gerona it does sometimes appear to be a competition as to which bar can play the loudest music - the crossroads with Tiki City, the Marina Hotel and Andy´s is certainly a prime example! The management at the Marina hotel have gone some way to placate the locals by promising to curtail the music at 12.30am - which considering that the Spanish don´t sit down to eat their dinner till about 10.30/11pm seems about right. After so many years here I still can´t get my head around that - as I am leaving a restaurant at say 10pm the Spanish are only just arriving...

Wonder what attracts the crowds?
The council are also looking to limit the number of "props" or "inviters" allowed outside each bar, who try to attract you to their premises by offering free shots or discounts on drinks etc. The reasoning behind the proposal is that it makes it very difficult for the police to identify those that are genuinely working for a bar and those that are there solely to prey on potential victims by trying to blend in or try to sell drugs. The Mayor will be holding talks with the owners and try to come up with a mutually agreeable solution.

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Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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