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Impressive surroundings at Benidorm Town Hall
How many of you were aware that yesterday was "Europe Day" ?
63 years ago, on 9th May 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, made the first moves towards the creation of what we now know as the European Union. He laid out a plan for France and Germany to pool their coal and steel resources with the aim of preventing a future war in Western Europe. Since then, Europe celebrates every 9th May as the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration and many of the member states celebrate peace and unity within Europe. Spain officially gained full membership of the European Union on January 1st 1986

 Me,Chris Wyatt, Gema, Paul Rodwell & Pamela Dawson Tasker
I have never seen any celebrations held in the UK, but in Spain the occasion was marked at many of the Town Halls. Benidorm had a very grand and well attend ceremony which took place in the official meeting chamber at the Town Hall. All members of the Council were present as were the towns top knobs such as the Chief of Police, Head of the Guardia Civil, President of Hosbec Antonio Mayor and invited guests. The Mayor Agustin Navarro used the occasion to make a presentation of the "Distinction Europe" awards. These are given to International Associations which have made a major contribution to Benidorm.

The ceremony was opened by students from the music academy who played a wonderful rendition of Pachelbel´s Canon in D then Gema Amor, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism stepped up to the lectern to welcome everyone and explain the significance of Europe Day.

Nominees waiting for their awards
There were two British nominations: Firstly, the British Embassy, which was represented by British Consul Paul Rodwell to emphasise the importance and huge contribution of the British tourist sector to the town. The second was to the Royal British Legion for its dedication to support ex-service personnel  and their families who have been injured through active service and the associations tireless fundraising - most notably the annual Poppy Appeal. The award was collected by District Chairman Chris Wyatt and also attended by the Benidorm branch President Pamela Dawson Tasker and deputy John Derrick.

Three other awards were also made to the International Rotary Club, Lions Club and Cruz Roja - International Red Cross for their combined work, help and dedication to both the citizens and visitors of Benidorm.  With the current financial climate hundreds of local residents have survived mainly thanks to the charity and fundraising shown by these organisations.

British Consul Paul Rodwell at the lectern
Each recipient gave a thank you speech after receiving their commemorative glass plaque from the Mayor - first up was Chris Wyatt, who firstly apologised for his Spanish but gave a warmly received address to the predominantly Spanish audience. Paul Rodwell opened with an impressive few sentences in Valenciano but then continued in Castellano (Spanish) - explaining it was easier and was given a rapturous applause at the end.

Chris & Paul proudly showing off their awards
It was certainly a proud day for the British contingency, who received 2 of the 5 awards. The Mayor then gave a short closing speech and the ceremony was officially closed with everyone standing to the European Anthem "Ode to Joy" - Beethovens Choral 9th Symphony which was adopted as the official anthem in 1985.

If you would like more information about the RBL email Pamela Dawson Tasker - Benidorm Branch President at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Quote of the day

Accept that some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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