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Beautiful beaches - the No 1 attraction
A report on the BBC breakfast programme earlier this week showed that Spain, along with Portugal came out tops as the cheapest and best value tourist destination - well Portugal was top but only by a few cents! The eurozone crisis is making holidaymakers look where their cash will stretch the furthest and unsurprisingly Spain continues to come out tops!

It is predominantly the International market that is sustaining the tourism sector here though - which is obvious as yesterday Spain declared that it is in the worse unemployment crisis in its history with 6.2 million out of work, equating to 27.16% of the population. Those under the age of 25 are the hardest hit by the crisis, with 57.2% unemployed - a truly staggering figure. As the tourist season begins some of those will be lucky and find work in the leisure industry, serving in bars and cafes - but this is only a temporary measure.

So what draws people here.... The beautiful sandy beaches and weather are the main factor - though if you are in the resort at the moment you wouldn´t think it! Yesterday we had torrential wind and rain all day and for once the weather back in the UK was better than here. The main plus point for businesses was that all the bars and cafes were packed to the rafters with holidaymakers! The Benidorm series has done wonders for tourism here - every time an episode is screened bookings go up! They are filming at the moment and will be here until the end of June.

However, it is often a struggle to find things to do and places to go when the weather is not appropriate for lounging by the pool or going to the beach. Many will head up to the Marina Shopping centre and browse around the shops - they also have a bowling alley up on the top floor. There is another bowling alley on the Avd Mediterraneo just near to the junction where it crosses with the Avd Europa. There is also a cinema which shows english films just before the IMED Levante private hospital on the Avd de Zamora in the Rincon de Loix (tel number 965 853 859)

The indoor market is another option and within walking distance of most hotels. There you will find a variety of shops, bars and cafes with many of them being British owned.... there is even an English book shop at the back. British ex-pat Vicki, owner of Hepburn´s Hair, Nail & Beauty Salon has  just expanded her premises and opened a new beauty room so that she can offer her clients a peaceful and relaxing retreat. So its not all doom and gloom as is often portrayed with businesses closing down - if you offer the right service at the correct price then you will flourish... 

But the main selling point for Benidorm has to be the value for money it offers on its food and drink - with emphasis on the drink! 1 euro pints are still available here - though on the main strip its generally 1.50 euro, but that still makes it only about 1.30 GBP which is substantially cheaper than back home I think (Im not a beer drinker but from what I hear thats a bargain). Perhaps that is why it is so popular with the "Stag & Hen" groups - Benidorm is THE most popular destination in Europe for them. 

"Levis´Showboat" - always packed
Eating out is easy - there are so many value places that you are spoilt for choice. Cooked English breakfast for 2 euros or a three course Chinese with drink at under 5 euros has to be the bargain find but you can also get fabulous quality food at many restaurants and bars - one of the most talked about has to be Levi´s Showboat at the far end of the Rincon (next to the Hotel Levante Club). There you can get a home cooked 3 course meal for 11 euros - with one of the biggest selections you are likely to see. Tapas alley in the Old Town is also must do - 2 or 3 pieces of tapas is more than adequate for lunch and they start at 1 euro.

I find it a shame that those who chose all inclusive do not get to sample what is on offer, but as a parent also understand that with children, especially young ones you need to be able to budget - been there done it many years ago! But whatever board option you go for, we are just glad and thankful that you come here to this wonderful resort - often year after year.  ps... I hope it stops raining for those out here now!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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