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Crew and generator van by HeartBreak
Yesterday, the crew were once again out along the Levante front - but this time they were filming in and around the Heartbreak Bar... that mecca for Harley Davidson bikers.
Before lunch they filmed at the bar next door to the Heartbreak with cast members Tony Maudsley - Kenneth, Tim Healy - as Lesley, so obviously all dressed and made up and Adam Gillen - Liam in the scene.

Film crew on a specially adapted mobility scooter
After lunch they had the unenviable task of filming a scene along the promenade - which was made extra difficult by all the Spanish tourists who kept walking along the filming strip oblivious, or at least pretending to be, to all the cameras and activity going on around them. I think that secretly they were hoping to get in on the filming....

The scene featured two of the younger members of the cast - Oliver Stokes who plays Michael Garvey and newcomer Danny Walters, who plays Tiger, a member of the new family that have joined this sixth series. The boys were filmed riding along the promenade on a single mobility scooter and causing havoc!

Michael and Tiger .... this pair look like trouble!
Cameraman Ali was also perched on a specially adapted Amigo 24 mobility scooter with his camera, filming the scene a few metres in front of the boys. The extra´s, and there were 70 of them today, had to walk along the front on the signal, pretending to be tourists meandering along.

Deputy Mayor Gema, Pere and me "on set"!
But it wasn´t only holidaymakers that stopped to watch what was going on - there was a suprise visitor by way of Gema Amor, Benidorm´s Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism. She popped along to see how filming was going and spoke to Pere, the Spanish Production Manager and myself. She was amazed at how many people were stopping just to watch what was going on. We explained that it was like this every day whenever they were filming.... the series had a huge fan base both in the UK and here in Spain, among the ex-pats.

Crew checking pole has been put up correctly!
After the promenade sequence the crew then shifted inside the Heartbreak bar..... where at the back Colin and the prop team had erected a pole - and you know what that means! Yes a pole dancer.... but its wasn´t one of the cast so don´t start speculating that it may be Madge! For those of you that haven´t been into the HeartBreak, there isn´t usually one there - but after this episode is screened, which is the first one they may find an unusually high number of people coming in and looking for it, so maybe they will change their mind? But then again, it´s not normally an activity associated with Harley bikers!

Oliver giving me the thumbs up
Five Harley bikers were also asked to be extras for the day - together with their beautiful shiny machines, which were lined up outside. Between takes Oliver ventured outside and whilst admiring them was invited by the owner to have a seat whilst they chatted together. Maybe he will think about buying himself one in the future... he certainly seemed impressed, as would most people!

The cast and crew had to wait until sunset to film a last scene with the sun going down in the background.... unfortunately I didn´t stay as my kitchen beckoned!

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Automatic simply means you cannot repair it yourself

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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