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On the shopping list - cheap local spirits
When visitors come on holiday to Spain they often have a shopping list of things to take back with them. Obviously, cigarettes and alcohol top that list... whether you are a smoker or not - although technically illegal, many will bring back a carton or two for friends and family. Unless you are bringing back a suitcase full of multiple cartons of different brands you are generally not bothered by customs. The savings in comparison to UK prices certainly makes it worthwhile. Spirits are also considerably cheaper - not so much the premium ones such as Smirnoff but the local Spanish brands such as "Aguilar". Take for example a litre of Vodka or Gin - you can pay as little as 4.95€ and it comes in a plastic bottle too! I find that if you are mixing them there is little difference in taste - but maybe a connoisseur will correct me on the matter!

Available everywhere in Benidorm
Other recent must buy items are "Flossy´s".... these are vividly coloured canvas pumps / deck shoes and come in a variety of styles. Originally worn by sailing enthusiasts in the Balearics, the craze soon spread and everyone seems to be wearing them now! They can be bought here in most shops for about 7.99€, less than half of the UK price. However, even inflation has hit the Flossy market as I remember last year they were selling for only 5€! I have witnessed people taking back suitcases full of them - in fact, one lady I know went back to the UK yesterday with about 20 pairs for friends and family!

Holidays are not complete unless a trip to the Wednesday or Sunday outdoor market is made - and most ladies will head straight to the handbag stalls which are run by the West Africans. There you will find an assortment of counterfeit designer brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Tous..... and not to feel left out, the men home in on the sunglasses! Some of them are actually really good copies too. However, I remember one occasion when a friend was on holiday and wanted to take one back. Off we trekked and she was delighted to purchase a white what she thought was Louis Vuitton copy with the initials on in various colours. We haggled over the price - general rule of thumb is aim at half of what they initially say. But when we got home and looked again we realised that the "LV" initial was actually "RV" .... your eye sees what it thinks it wants to see.

Must do... one of the outdoor markets
There is a market on virtually every day of the week in one of the surrounding towns - the biggest and probably best is in Benidorm, held every Wednesday and Sunday morning. The next best is probably Altea, which is held on a Tuesday - the number 10 bus goes virtually to the beginning but be warned it is always packed to the rafters (its the last stop).

You will also probably see what we call the "looky looky" men (again very dark West African type) peddling their wears on the street -  normally fake designer handbags and sunglasses. They are commonly found in Calpe - especially in and around the fish restaurants in the harbour. When they see any police they scoop up the blankets with their merchandise and run away until the coast is clear again. Over the years whilst eating in many of the Calpe restaurants, apart from the obvious I have also been offered fishing rods, dvd´s, tableclothes, kango drills among the ones I can remember. If you say no they generally go away and don´t bother you again - but within 10 or 15 minutes another one will be along.

Peamen on Avd Mediterraneo with crowd
Over the weekend the looky looky men were out and about on the main promenade in Alicante when the police tried swooped. They managed to run about 300 metres before giving up and when they returned to their cars one 60 year old lady reprimanded them for giving up so easily. Well they took offence to this and began issuing her with a fine for 200€!  Other passing pedestrians started clapping at what the lady was saying - I think probably in amazement that the police had actually left their cars and given chase and went on to issue another four 200€ fines for "disturbing the peace". One man was told that if he didn´t stop clapping he would be taken into custody for "Obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct"... Shame that the police don´t get so heavy handed with the true criminals such as the pea men!

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Quote of the day

Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

Cigarette Prices

  (per carton)

B&H 50.00€
Camel 47.00€
Embassy 50.00€
JPS 44.50€
L&B 48.50€
Marlboro 50.00€
Mayfair 45.00€
Silk Cut 50.00€

Tobacco 50gm x10

Golden Virginia 89.50€
Old Holborn 90€

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