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Well it was certainly a very crisp night and most spectators were warmly wrapped up in gloves and scarfs. There were certainly plenty of chairs available outside the Town Hall - most of which stayed empty... hardly surprising with the amount that they charge!

At 9.00pm it was still deserted, the only ones out in force were the Protection Civil and Local Police. However, by the time the procession set off, which remarkably was on time at 9.30pm from the top end of Calle Ruzafa, the crowds had lined the street, ready to clap and cheer the participants on.

Whilst those of us watching were snuggled up in thick coats, many of those in the parade had little protection from the cold... it would be far more considerate to have Carnival in May when the sun is out and you can enjoy an ice cold beer!

Me with the "Retro" group....
Giant speakers lined the roadside and pumped out music, which many of the groups had rehearsed dance routines to. There was a real mix of costumes, the majority were "home made" rather than shop bought, with a lot of thought going into them. However, there were no semi clad ladies this year, much to the mens disappointment I think... obviously far too cold.

I thought that one of the best groups was the "Retro"bunch. Their faces were actually painted, although from a distance it looked like they were wearing masks. Very colourful and original - 10 out of 10.

Panel of judges scoring each group as they passed
The procession lasted just over an hour and finished at the main square underneath the Town Hall. There was a stage erected at the end where a panel of judges sat, marking each group as they passed for the competition. 
The winners were to be announced later on in the evening, or rather early hours of the morning - Im afraid that I didn´t stay to find out though! 
Inside the party tent....
After the parade had finished the participants all went and had something to eat - most had bought sandwiches with them and then the partying really began. 
A massive marquee had been erected and inside was a giant stage with a DJ and music thumping out at one end and a bar at the other. I think that the partying continued well into the early hours - those living or staying anywhere in close proximity certainly didn´t get much sleep last night! It has to be said that the Spanish certainly know how to party....
I must say that in my opinion, having been to both, those that participated in the British Fancy Dress Day would certainly have stood to win some prizes if they had been there!

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Automatic simply means you cannot repair it yourself

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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