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Show stoppers from 2011
Carnival season is upon us here in Benidorm..... you may notice children walking to school in a strange combination of attire, such as odd socks, painted moustaches, fathers tie. Every day this week they have to add another eccentric item - I remember doing this with my son when he was in primary school. It all leads up to the main carnival parades which take place across the whole of Spain this weekend. The biggest and most famous is in Rio de Janeiro, but if you can´t stretch to that then Benidorm comes a close second!

Carnival is an annual celebration - the date is dictated by when Easter falls. The parades always take place on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday - which is on the 13th... the day before Valentines (thats a gentle reminder for the men!)

Brrrrr... last years competition - certainly caught the eye!
The fancy dress parades take place this Saturday (9th) - the children´s one in the morning and main adult one in the evening.

The Children´s parade sets off at 11am down Calle Gambo (where Specsavers is on the pedestrianised street) and makes its way to the Town Hall Square. There will be an assortment of children´s entertainment laid on including bouncy castles, magicians and even Ronald McDonald will make an appearance (who are sponsoring the event) - it should tire the little mites out enough to give you the chance to get in a mid afternoon siesta!

Recession busting costumes made from newspaper!
The main Adult parade doesn´t set off until 9.30pm - make sure you wrap up warm as it will certainly be chilly by then. So far over 600 people have registered to take part in the parade, giving them a chance to win one of the cash prizes on offer. Five groups and three individuals stand to share a prize pot of 3,600 euros!

The procession starts at the top end of Calle Ruzafa (where the Crystal Park hotel is located) and heads down, ending up at the Town Hall Square.
A large tent is being erected with a capacity to hold 1000 people and it is here that the judging will take place by a select panel. According to the official programme, there will then be a firework display.... but I have just been notified that due to budget cuts this year there will not be one. The cost of the tent, just under 4000 euros is being paid for by the penya associations and not the Town Hall and afterwards a party is held there for all the participants.

Log back in on Sunday when there will be a review and pictures of the parade - maybe I should take some spares jumpers incase there are any shivering semi naked girls!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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