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Damage caused right at the beach front
Finestrat City Council have finally agreed a compensation settlement with traders following the fateful flood back in October 2011, which resulted in the death of two British pensioners at the market in La Cala.

The PP run council has approved a 307,851 euro settlement which will be allocated to the 145 traders that were affected on the day in question. However, the compensation is being offered on the understanding that they, the traders, do not take any further legal action against the Council for damages or injuries sustained. It amounts to just over a paltry 2000 euros each... they were initially asking for half a million euros - which isn't actually that much considering the devastation which the flash floods caused. Imagine if that had happened in the UK or the States, injury lawyers would be positively salivating at taking on such a case, with a much better package I bet!

Quiet La Cala beach
The council already paid out 70,550 euros shortly after the event, as part of a financial assistance package and then a further 90,632 euros was paid as "compensation" to the traders. The council only accepts responsibility for allowing the installation of a market on the dry river bed - which was under the authority of the Mayor, Honorato Algado. Once the package is accepted though, the Council will initiate proceedings to reclaim those funds against administrations which may hold some responsibility for what happened and also  against the insurance company.
The proceedings are still ongoing in court number 4 allege that the council and Mayor are responsible for an "alleged crime of negligence, resulting in death and serious injury. The oppostion PSOE party have stated that the council should accept responsibilty and demanded that the Councillor of Commerce, Fransisco Sanchez should resign. Following the tragic event the market was relocated further up towards Carrefour, just on the other side of the main road.

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    Love it xx
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    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Brilliant show!

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