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View of illegally parked motorhomes from Mercadona carpark
Residents and local businesses of Albir have been battling for months with an ongoing problem in certain parts of the town - illegal camper vans parking up on public land. This is most evident alongside the towns Mercadona supermarket, where around a dozen RV´s (motorhomes) can be spotted occupying waste ground to the side of the store and behind the health centre.
When I drove by yesterday afternoon I counted thirteen parked up. One couple were relaxing next to their vehicles on sun loungers, enjoying the Winter sun whilst another couple were sitting at a table eating their lunch. Many had satellite dishes attached to the roofs of their vans and I even saw one with solar panels propped up against the side of his vehicle! They certainly looked as if they were settled...
... and from other side, next to Albir health centre
The undeveloped plot belongs to the council and has no services such as sewage, water or electricity on it - yet that doesn´t seem to deter those that are there. The main reason for that is because they do not have to pay any rent to stay there... and the nationality of those parked there - mainly Dutch and British!
Legitimate camper park on Altea/Albir seafront road
The president of the local campers association, Fransisco Delgado considers it a "lack of supervision on the part of Alfaz town hall resulting in unfair competition to the many legal campsites in the municipality". In the current economic crisis the situation is only likely to get worse unless something is done about it. The president said that over the last year the number of illegally parked vehicles in the vicinity has tripled.  
There are also a number of illegal camper parks which have sprouted up, which have no permits or licenses to operate yet are charging those parked up to stay there. Maybe many of them do not realise that they are not legitimate sites but the price should be a clue. They charged as little as 6 or 7 euros per day whilst a fully licensed and regulated site can cost anything between 15 to 25 euros per day! 
British run Orange Grove camper park
I spoke to the British owner of a local purpose built camper park - Orange Grove. She told me that it costs tens of thousands of euros to obtain all the relevant licenses and the paperwork involved is unbelievable. There is sewerage which needs to be laid and utilities need to be properly and safely connected. It is particularly frustrating for those of us that have jumped through hoops to do everything legally and are also paying substantial taxes to the town hall. There is certainly enough choice, whether you want a small family run park like we offer or a larger livelier one!
New camper park just before the Medieval castle in Albir
The problem with the illegally parked vehicles, apart from being an eyesore is that some are disposing of their waste incorrectly. They see the water channels running alongside the roads and throw the waste water into them.... these are actually irrigation channels and used to water the fruit trees growing in the fields. The water contains chemicals and can be detrimental to the vegetation.  

A spokesperson for the Town Hall confirmed that they will be working together with the Ministry of Tourism to regulate the problem and deal with the issue of illegal pitchers on council owned land but acknowledged that at present, there is a "boom" of caravans in Albir and it may prove "very difficult to control". I say differently - send the police to knock on each one, issue an on the spot fine for illegally parking and move them on! Simples, as the Meerkat would say....


+6 #2 Roadtripper 2015-06-21 07:21
I think if you ask all of the local shops and cafes they will probably appreciate the cash the owners of these £20k + vehicles are spending every day. It's predictable that camp site owners who charge higher and higher fees are going to whine about it. Quite why they think charging someone around £100 a week to park on a bit of dry scrub land is reasonable which is what motor homers do, (drive up and pull the handbrake on) escapes me. When we travel abroad we factor in about £300 a week for spending money in local shops. Considering the fact that the Spanish tourism industry is on its knees it seems a strange move to shoo away hundreds of tourists together with their spending money. :sigh:
+7 #1 wayfarer 2013-10-24 12:58
If the Spanish campsites had not jacked up their winter prices in the last few years to catch the winter stay campers this problem would not be so big. Legaly or illegaly parked these people still bring much needed cash to a very cash strapped Spanish economy.

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