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Typical online banking page
I would guess that 99% of people have a bank account, though at the moment how many of those accounts have any money in them is another matter entirely! Those that do have savings are virtually getting no interest on keeping their money in the account though. But how do you decide which bank to open an account with? Certainly in the UK they try and entice you with "free welcome gifts" and its a similar scenario here in Spain - Im not too sure why they think that by offering me a set of dinner plates of bundle of towels would sway my decision!

All banks offer online banking, sometimes referred to as Internet banking or E-Banking, which allows you to check your account on a secure website operated by the bank. To access the online banking facility you have to register with your bank for this facility and set up passwords for customer verification. Now to my knowledge, this is a FREE facility - after all, you are using your computer powered by your electricity supply and so saving the bank staff their time... but guess what!

Alfaz branch of La Caixa - opposite the Post Office
La Caixa bank have charged a local Spanish resident in Alfaz del Pi 181.50 euro for "excessive use" of the online banking facility! The shocked customer, Guillermo Cots said that when he opened the account it was offered as a free service and he has not been notified by any means of charges for this service. According the the La Caixa website they charge a 100 euro commission if you connect more than 100 times in a single month and then an extra 50 euros for each additional 100 sessions! Unsurprisingly, it is rather difficult to navigate the website to find this information out.

I must admit that 100 times per month is rather generous - that allows you an average of 3.2 times per day, but in this day and age of online shopping not so unusual. When customers are being continually reminded by the banks that it is their responsibility to check their accounts for any potential fraudulent use then it does seem somewhat strange.

The customer in question said "Its a real abuse. I was charged 181.50 euro for consulting my own account from my house and not generating any expense or inconvenience to anyone. In addition, the site disconnects after 15 minutes meaning that you have to log in again if you have not completed your enquiry". This is standard security practice for online banking, but if you are distracted by the phone or are looking for other documentation whilst logged on, then not surprising. The charge has also caused the customer to go into the red, so incurring an overdraft charge. He has lodged an official complaint with the bank in question and also with OMIC.

I contacted my bank manager Alberto this morning to ask him whether there are any charges for the online facility and whether there is a limit to how many times per month I can access my account, explaining the case in question. His response to it was "What!!!! It is the first time in my banking life that I have heard a thing like this - that is impossible. They must return the money immediately!" I did warn him to expect other customers asking the same question!

OMIC - "Oficina  Municipal de Informacion al Consumidor", is similar to the UK´s Citizens Advice Bureaux or Consumers Association. Every municipality in Spain has an OMIC, which is a public office run by the local council dedicated to informing the consumer of their rights. The service and assistance is free and usually they resolve matters quickly. This is largely because business owners are aware of the powers that the OMIC has under Spanish laws, and so are anxious to avoid a long invetigation against them.

Every business in Spain by law must display a notice informing customers that a complaints book (libro de reclamaciones) is available. On request, they are obliged to give you an official complaint form for you to complete which comes triplicated with a white, green and pink copy. The pink copy is retained by the establishment, the green copy is yours and the white one is sent to OMIC by you. The consumer office will then investigate the complaint.  Often just the mention of the book resolves matters....

So I bet you will all be ringing or trying to check the website for their terms & conditions now..... with the banks loosing so much money they are obviously looking at any way of increasing their revenue in my opinion!

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