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Organiser Linda Soler & host Wayne - owner of Showboat
Its certainly true what they say about the Brits and their pooches - which was evident as the Showboat in Benidorm was packed to the rafters for the first ever fundraiser in aid of Costa Blanca Dog Homing this afternoon.

Not only did the residents and many of the donors turn out in force, but some of Benidorm´s best loved entertainers did too - giving their much needed free time up to entertain the packed venue for this very worthy cause.

Very popular duo - DebnHer
Lady Gaga kicked off the afternoon entertainment then followed slots by Abba, DebnHer, Shoewaddywaddy, Simon Small aka Michael Bubble and Tony Scott... and they were the ones I could remember! It was also announced to much cheer from the audience that Emma and Debbie (DebnHer duo) are getting married next year, so congratulations to you both.

The Shoewaddywaddy boys
Interspersed between acts was the auction, compered by the venue host of the afternoon Wayne. Oh my goodness, he had everyone in stitches with his hilarious quips and one liners - an example of which is;
 "We´ve got a lovely ornament ideal for a mother in law which you don´t like" or "Silk flower arrangement - no caravan is complete without one"... everyone was giggling uncontrollably!
Wayne certainly knows how to work the crowds which is why Showboat is such a huge success and he managed to get everyone digging deep with bids for many of the items on offer.

Some of the many raffle prizes donated
The star auction lot was the hire of a 48ft cruiser for 8 passengers complete with fishing equipment, very generously donated by Alicante Charter Experience and worth over 1200 euros! There was a real war going on for this lot and even someone offering a telephone bid via Linda ... but the eventual victor was Mark of A1 Cleaning, who won with his 800 euro bid!

Beni Lets also donated 1 weeks accommodation in a central Benidorm apartment for up to 4 people, which was a bargain for someone at 160 euros....

Tony Scott
Benidorm funny man, comedian Tony Scott did a slot and got everyone laughing out loud with some near the knuckle jokes... for those wanting to hear more he is on a Stardust every evening at 10pm. He even had some special tame ones for the younger members of the audience... very thoughtful Tony!

Tony helps out an awful lot with the Costa Blanca Dog Homing we were told, never refusing to give a hand when needed - even helping to build kennels for the dogs. Its a side to him that many are not aware of... apart from the grateful pooches of course!

Simon Small
Simon Small wowed everyone as always with his Michael Bubble renditions. I spoke to him at the bar before he went on and he told me that he was overwhelmed at the support and brilliant turnout, but not totally surprised as the "Brits love their dogs"! He himself has 4 dogs - one of which was abandoned at a charity shop and he couldn´t resist, so saved it having to be taken to the rescue pound and who knows what future.

Packed venue...
It was the first fundraiser that the Dog Homing have ever held and with the success maybe the beginning of an annual event?
Well done to Linda Soler for all the hard work in making it happen; To Wayne and all the staff at Showboat; To all the generous donors for the prizes - for both the auction and raffle and last but certainly not least, all those that came to support the event!

 ** A total of 3930 euros was raised **

NB. Don´t forget that Showboat is now closed for a well deserved holiday and will re-open on Tuesday 18th December.


0 #1 Becky 2012-11-26 01:20
It was a fantastic day, thank you to levis and all the acts and all the people that donated to my site, costa blanca dog homing. Becky Sweetman

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Quote of the day

You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

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  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Char Davis 28.04.2024 18:55
    What a great day see the show

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