Benidorm bank charges customer for internet clicks

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I would guess that 99% of people have a bank account, though at the moment how many of those accounts have any money in them is another matter entirely! Those that do have savings are virtually getting no interest on keeping their money in the account though. But how do you decide which bank to open an account with?

Rising costs in Spain

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With the excesses of Christmas over everyone is looking to recover and get back into shape. New Year resolutions have been made - and in some instances already broken, only a week into the start of the New Year. Dr Javier Salvador, President of the Spanish Society of Endrocrinology & Nutrition has said that "Physical activity and a Mediterranean diet are the best way to recover the physical tone

Benidorm ER back for second series

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Tonight, the much anticipated second series of "Benidorm ER" will be screened on Channel 5, broadcast at 8pm UK time and 9pm Spanish time. It will be the first of six episodes.The first series was screened exactly a year ago and followed British tourists and ex-pats who enter the private "Clinica Benidorm" for treatment - whether it be an emergency or a planned procedure.

Taking care of your money in Benidorm

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Credit card fraud is unfortunately widespread and takes place every day across the world, and holiday resorts are no exception. The Spanish Guardia Civil have arrested a restaurant employee who has allegedly been duplicating the credit and debit card details of customers who ate at a restaurant where he worked in Benidorm.

El Nino lottery - will Benidorm be lucky again

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Following the buzz surrounding the massive El Gordo lottery, which was drawn on 22nd December attention is now turning to the other big lottery which is drawn on Sunday - El Niño.The El Niño, which is held annually on January 6th offers another opportunity of big winnings, with a prize pool of 840 million euros!

New Years Day in Benidorm

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2013 began well in Benidorm - the good weather and special deals has bought an influx of visitors to the resort. But the past year has been not been good for many households and 2012 will go down in history as one of hardship. Despite this though, thousands celebrated the arrival of the New Year and bars and cafes were jam packed.

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In between festivities in Benidorm

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As everyone recovers from the aftermath of Christmas, many are now planning for New Years Eve. Boxing Day in Spain is a normal working day and I watched in bewilderment the scenes on the BBC of the first day of the sales. Many stores opened at 6am and shoppers queued from the early hours in order to "grab that bargain"... you would never believe that there was a recession with ladies fighting over items

Christmas Square in Benidorm

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Yesterday Christmas officially came to Benidorm with the inauguration of the Plaza de la Navidad and switching on of the Christmas lights by Gema Amor, the Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Tourism in the town.The plaza is actually the square underneath the Town hall and is a made up name - only last week I asked a local policeman where it was but he looked at me blankly and told me that there wasn´t such a place...

Golf in Benidorm with the Union Jack Golf Society

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Yesterday the Union Jack Golf Society held their Open at the Villaitana Golf Resort, on the Poniente course in Benidorm.An incredible 38 participants took part, meeting at 9am for a 9.30am tee-off. I must say you have to be very keen to be up and ready to play at that early hour.... the Benidorm skyline was shrouded in mist as I stood on the green, wrapped up in my scarf and jumper!

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Valencian Mayor unhappy at BBC portrayal of region

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Back in September I wrote an article about local businessman David Craig, owner of Kings Food located in Alfaz del Pi who was interviewed for the BBC documentary "This World".The episode, called "The Great Spanish Crash" was broadcast last Sunday evening (16th) at 7pm on BBC 2.Having been involved in part of the research process with director Alicia Arse, I watched and listened with great interest.... it is worth trying to catch it on iPlayer

Movement coming from Benidorms Cultural Centre

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If you have wondered down the Avd Europa this week, you would be forgiven if you thought that the economy is out of recession. The reason being that there are construction noises coming from the concrete shell of what "one day" will become Benidorm´s state of the art Cultural Centre.The Calle Ibiza, running alongside the construction site was blocked to traffic as a crane stood in the middle of the road hoisting giant beams up.

Toll prices to rise again

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Motorway tolls will rise yet again on 1st January 2013 - making it the third rise in less than a year! The prices went up by a whooping 7.5% last July then again on 1st September when the new IVA rates came into effect, pushing it up a further 3% as the rate went from 18% to 21%. Now there is to be yet another increase.

What do Harley Davisdon bikers and Med Playa Hotels have in common?

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Christmas is traditionally a time of giving and 3 separate initiatives in Benidorm have been set up with this in mind.Yesterday, 100 Harley Davidson bikers dressed up as Santa´s, rode into Benidorm bearing gifts!  For the fifth consecutive year, the Costa Blanca Chapter bought gifts for the children of the Emaus homes with money raised by its members. They roared through Albir and Alfaz before heading to the main Town Hall

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The facts, although interesting, are usually irrelevant

Latest Comments

  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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