Taylor Marcs - Benidorm´s hottest new talent

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Taylor Marcs is a talent to take note of on the Benidorm entertainment circuit. The fact that he has only been here since January but already working 7 nights a week, with up to 3 shows per night speaks for itself! I met the gentle giant, all 6 ft 5” of him before his show at the Riviera Music Lounge and he is a gem - one of the funniest, sincerest and genuine of people you are likely to meet. He came with his constant companion Gale – as in Gales Honey, which he always has to hand to soothe his vocals!

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Benidorm Palace sell out for H4H variety show

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When it comes to charity and great causes, no-one does it better than the expat community. This was evident last night as Benidorm Palace was packed to the rafters for the Help 4 Heroes/Elche Children´s Home fundraiser. Crowds were already waiting outside an hour before the doors even opened, eager to get a good seat and the chance to see the likes of Chesney Hawkes, Jimmy Cricket, Josh Daniels and Stacey Solomon.

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More free parking in Benidorm

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The summer season officially ended at midnight – at least for drivers to Benidorm! As from today, 1st October an additional 1126 FREE parking spaces will be available. At the beginning of summer the Council extended the blue Pay & Display parking zones to many additional streets in the Rincon area. This was to deter holidaymakers – particularly domestic ones who´d drive over from Madrid, park up and leave their cars in the same spot for the duration of their stay, sometimes lasting two or three weeks.

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New beach ramps on Levante

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The new Mayor is certainly going all out to bring about improvements to the resort. Workmen and diggers have moved in along the Levante promenade and the 20 ramps along the entire length are being replaced with solid metal and concrete structures. The vibrant Levante beach is the most popular with visiting Brits, attracted by the miles of golden sand and safe play areas for children so important to keep in perfect condition.

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Colourful Christians march through Altea

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If you want to see tradition and custom, then Spain is a great place to be. Last night the first of the two annual Moors and Christians parades took place in Altea and it was the turn of the Christians - each year they alternate who goes first. Thousands turned out to watch the procession, with those living along the main route out on their balconies, suddenly very popular with friends and family!

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Benidorm´s Food on a Stick!

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Benidorm´s Gastronomy Calendar 2015 continues and the next event “Semana de la Brocheta” was officially presented by the participating restaurants today. The event starts on Friday and on until Sunday October 4. Translated it means Week of the Skewer – but it sounds so much better in Spanish!

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British Ambassador visits Costa Blanca

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Her Majesty´s Ambassador to Spain, Simon Manley paid a visit to Alicante yesterday – and had a very busy schedule, attending not one but two meetings. He arrived in Alicante on the AVE high speed train from the Embassy in Madrid, where he is based.

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International Charity Fair in Benidorm

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The fifth International Charities Fair took place today – an event organized by Pamela Dawson Tasker to bring together local charities and associations in the area. It took place next door to the popular Sunday rastro at El Cisne and so benefitting from the extra Sunday footfall.

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The Benidorm Calendar for Emaus

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At last – the Benidorm boys can be seen in all their glory… but it´s all in aid of a very worthy cause! Wayne, aka Miss Levi is hugely revered and respected for all the fundraising work that he does in the community – especially for Emaus. Another great champion is Paul of Foley´s Bar and so these two admired advocates, together with partners Des and Jackie have joined forces, and ideas, to produce a fantastic charity calendar, which is now available to buy.

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Help for Heroes night at Benidorm Palace

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When it comes to charity fundraising, no one does it better than the Brits – and expats even more so. Animal charities always get a good turnout, especially with the Brits being a nation of animal lovers but topping that is support of our troops.
On Sunday 4th October there will be an epic variety night at Benidorm Palace, with all proceeds going to the “Help for Heroes” charity and Elche Childrens Home.

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Benidorm Pride 2015 - a colourful affair

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The colourful and vibrant parade took place on Saturday afternoon, the highlight of Benidorm Pride for many - especially the spectators. An estimated 400 participants dressed up in a variety of eye catching and flamboyant costumes – some leaving very little to the imagination! Cars, vans and lorries were converted into floats and mobile sound studios, blasting out music to add to the carnival like atmosphere.

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Benidorm´s Pablo Bloom HAS got talent!

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“Incredible talent” is a phrase often over used, but one entertainer here in Benidorm who justifies that label is Pablo Bloom. He really is a must see if you are visiting and many visitors plan their evening schedule around where he will be on. But he will not be a Benidorm secret for much longer following last weekends audition for “España got Talent”! This is the first time that the television talent show has come to Spain – it has been aired since 2007 in the UK and is a staple Saturday night view for many Brits.

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No more props in Benidorm ?

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The streets around the English Square seem eerily quiet of late - walk down Calle Gerona or Calle Lepanto and you will notice a distinct absence of Hi-Vis orange vests on the street corners. Since 1st September, the Town Hall bought in new regulations banning “props” – promotional reps or inviters, from the streets of the Rincon area. According to a letter sent out to all bar owners, anyone found working on the streets will personally be fined €1,500 and the bar an additional €1,500. A recent report from the local police informed Lorenzo Martinez, the Councilor responsible for the new legislation that a drug network was operating which implicated some of those working as inviters.

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Zombie invasion at Terra Natura

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Terra Natura Wildlife Park in Benidorm are organising a Halloween weekend extravaganza – with a zombie experience that will certainly haunt you! Similar to a murder mystery weekend, over 50 actors will dress up and engage unsuspecting participants – running through the park or rising from the dead!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
  • Benidorm Palace fundraiser

    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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