• Cancer will affect one in three – a frightening statistic. For those that live here in Spain, being away from a family support network can add even more stress to an already difficult and worrying situation. But it is thanks to organisations such as MABS, a local cancer support group that many get through that somewhat dark period.

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  • There are many worthy charities with fundraising events going on across the region, but one that will strike a chord and affect many is the big C - Cancer.MABS is a local cancer support group and they are putting on a fantastic evening next Saturday - 22nd March at El Raco in Benidorm.At the beginning of the year they opened a support centre in La Cala, where those affected can go and talk to a counsellor.

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  • A brand new Iceland supermarket opened in Benidorm this morning - relocating from near the La Marina shopping centre, (which is technically in Finestrat) to the Rincon de Loixside of Benidorm. Many of the British ex-pat shoppers are already familiar with the location as it is next to the "Pink House" - which is used in the filming of the ITV Benidorm series and almost across the road from Benidorm Palace.

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  • What a simply "MABulous" day it was today! This afternoon marked a milestone for MABS - a support group in Spain for those affected by cancer, with the grand opening of a brand new centre located in La Cala - officially in Finestrat, although most refer to it as Benidorm. MABS are one of the leading charities in Spain dedicated to the support of all who are affected by cancer.