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There are many worthy charities with fundraising events going on across the region, but one that will strike a chord and affect many is the big C - Cancer.
MABS is a local cancer support group and they are putting on a fantastic evening next Saturday - 22nd March at El Raco in Benidorm.

At the beginning of the year they opened a support centre in La Cala, where those affected can go and talk to a counsellor - currently only available on a Wednesday but they hope to be able to extend the service. They also have a charity shop within the centre and donations are always welcome and appreciated. Obviously funding plays a big part and hence the reason for the event next Saturday.

Jenny and Peter at a recent fundraiser for Alzheimers
They have organised a 60´s and 70´s themed night - the evening kicking off at 7.30pm with a fab 3 course dinner. Your hostess with the mostest, the super funny Miss Jenny Renn will then get the party going, keeping you laughing and entertained.  Jenny is heavily involved with the charity and a volunteer at the support centre - where you will see her every Wednesday morning.

The fantastically talented Peter Warke, part of the Shoe Waddy Waddy lineup will then take to the floor and churn out some toe tapping numbers - I hope that he turns out in character, wearing his brightly coloured teddy boy jacket! Following Peter, special guest performer for the night, Patrick Ahearn will take over.

Many may recognise that name - and yes, you are correct, he is the brother of Caroline, the BAFTA winning writer and actress, best known for Mrs Merton and playing Denise in The Royale Family which she co-wrote. Patrick has been involved in the music industry for many years and is an accomplished musician, DJ - which you will witness and composer. He will be dressed up for the night and perform then spin the decks until midnight in his DJ capacity.

With Jenny and Patrick 
Cancer is very real for Patrick - he has been a sufferer himself and so was only too happy to show support and contribute. Like his sister he had retino blastoma - cancer of the eye, which is a hereditary thing and as if that wasn´t more than enough, bladder cancer. However, it certainly hasn´t dampened his spirits in the least - his 15 month old son Joseph makes sure of that!

Tickets for the event are priced at 12 euros - part of which will go to the charity and are available at either El Raco or the MABS centre in La Cala. It should be a great fun night..... Hey Rock and Roll!

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  • Step back in time...

    Carrie-Ann Thompson 11.05.2024 16:20
    Love it xx
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    Ernest Adams 29.04.2024 07:37
    Some very good shows I wish I was watching today
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    Chris Pile 28.04.2024 19:33
    Brilliant show!

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