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Councillors and consular staffThe British Consul, Sarah-Jane Morris and consular staff met with a number of Councillors responsible for Foreign Residents from the province yesterday. In total 12 towns with a high percentage of British ex-pats attended to discuss how the consulate could offer greater support and assistance – emphasizing what they can and cannot do.

They brainstormed ideas and how to encourage further integration into the communities in which they live, with volunteering a very positive and beneficial way.

Consular presentationDuring the first half of the morning consular staff explained the differences between the UK and Spanish systems and why some British ex-pats find it difficult to navigate on arrival. One issue which all the Councillors raised was Healthcare. Many Brits that arrive here fail to register properly on the Padron and access the health system properly – instead reliant on their European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

ehic and passportThis is for visitors to use in an emergency situation only and it was reiterated that their passport has to be presented together with the card. Something which many were not aware of was that if someone has forgotten their card and require emergency treatment there is a number to call in the UK to be issued with a temporary certificate of entitlement – but obviously so long as they are entitled to it.

An EHIC also entitles visitors to reciprocal dialysis when on holiday but this needs to be pre-arranged. The number to make a note of is 0044 191 218 1999, although it is far easier to ensure you have a valid card with you before traveling! There is lots of useful information on the government website:

If you intend to live in Spain for more than 3 months then it is obligatory to register on the Padron – this is used for statistical purposes only but many incorrectly assume it has something to do with tax! Funding from Central Government is allocated on these figures so if you are not registered then don´t complain how long it takes to see a doctor or lack of police. Spanish Nationals that arrive and live in the UK have to register with the Spanish Consulate by law - this facilitates the authorities to contact their citizens in any emergency situation.

Consulate openingsThe meeting, which took place at the Red Cross headquarters in Alicante also gave the councilors the opportunity to learn about the recently signed collaboration between the British Embassy and Red Cross. It focused how working together gave greater access to more services – particularly important in smaller towns where there are no voluntary associations such as HELP International. A speaker from the Red Cross announced that an English speaking email and phone number for enquiries will soon be available which will further enable British ex-pats to integrate and volunteer – and help them to learn Spanish as an added bonus!
Sarah-Jane Morris, British Consul for the Alicante region, said of the session:
“Getting the councillors together has been really beneficial. We have both looked at how to better support British nationals by working together, and learnt from each other and shared ideas. We want to ensure British nationals and English speaking charities get the best possible support from their town halls.”

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